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Picture of 4 for 4

Don't kill me guys I know I took forever to update but when you have school than work he have no time to do shit. But I'm going to try and be better at updating more frequently. Key word "try".But I hope you guys like this chapter. Don't forget to vote comment and tell me what you think.

*un edit*


His light snores was a silent reminder that he was still alive.

I can't seen to remove the image of his scared eyes and frantic expression from my mind. Ever time I blink I'm rewarded with that heart broken image.


How did I allowed this to happen. He was supposed to be back in a few days not go missing for 2 fucking Weeks. I should of went looking for him when he didn't pick up my calls. I'm so grateful for Alex. Thinking of Alex.

"You hungry buddy", he stared up at me from the back seat with his big innocent eyes.

" I in trouble", he whisper voice shaking.

"In trouble for what", I honestly didn't understanding why he though he would be in trouble.

"For calling you and telling you where we were... I don't want Aidan to be mad at me."

"No sugar, no ones mad at you okay. You did the right thing", his silent tear were starting to slow down its rapid pace.

"Okay", he whisper. I reach my arm behind to wipe the tears from his soak Cheeks.

"So what you want to eat" I ask him.

"4 for 4!! He yelled clapping his tiny fingers together.

"Welcome to Wendy's what can I get you" a voice ask from the drive through.

"Can I get two order please" a quick sure was said before I begin to order our meal. I made sure I got enough for all of us and than some. Aidan looks like he haven't ate since the last time I saw him. Aidan is naturally small being only 5 feet nothing and weighting as much as a pencil, but the way he looks now is drastic.

His unconscious body was laying in the passenger seat catching up on a lot of miss sleep.

I sigh sadly removing my glaze from on him. I can't look at him with out guilt eating me up. Some times I forget he's only 15, due to how mature he his.

Once we receive our food and I payed I quickly hand a bag over to Alex who wasted no time happily stuffing his food down.

I park my car in the parking lot of our new apartment. I made sure the place I pick out was a good distance away from everything. Which mean we were in a different town.

We needed this. Aidan needed this, he and Alex deserve a new start.

The building was high class, one of the best in town, quoted by the retail guy that show us the place.

I unbuckled my seat best reaching to the back to do the same to Alex. He quickly got out the car with me following right behind. I handed him some of the food bag tickling him a bit. He giggle cutely making me feel better.

Once I got to Aidan side I unbuckle his seat beat and lift him up in my arms. His body was scary light. And just like that guilt started to eat up me again.

Alex follow quietly behind us a little smile on his lips. This kid is such a inspiration.

Once we reach up to our new apartment a gasp left Alex mouth as he ran into his new home touching everything with big eyes. I watch him for a bit before walking into one of the rooms and laying Aidan on the bed. He move a bit before going completely still. Beside the rise and fall of his small chest. I wanted to watch him but I decided against it.

Once I exit the room I started my search  for Alex. I found the little cutie siting in the kitchen finishing up his 4 for 4. He had sweet and sour sauce all over his face and fingers. The little booger Was making a mess all over the counter.

Since I'm such a sweetheart I decided to sneak up on him. I walk slow enough that he wouldn't hear me. Once I reach close enough to him I yelled "boo"

Alex jump so high you would of though he was s thief that got caught.

"Gotcha", I said laughing my ass off.

Alex keep this eyes on me as his lips tremble. Before you knew it the kid was crying.

And in that moment I realized I fuck up.

"Alex, shit..fuck. Don't repeat what I said", I was honestly making this worst.

"Your a big fat meanie", Alex yelled crying more. He wasn't cooling down anytime soon.

"I'm sorry okay, I'll give you anything you want. Just stop crying" I ask desperately. Squatting down to his level.

"Anything", he said as he magically stop crying.

"Yes anything"

"Hmm", he's said tapping  his chin. "How about you give me ice cream!!, his extreme excitement for ice cream was melting me heart. He such a kid.

"Only if you promise"

"I promise, pinky swear", he said.

I got up walking towards the fridge to take out a orange and cream ice cream stick.

Once I reach out to give it to Alex he eagerly took it.

"Haha, gotcha", Alex said licking his ice cream.

"You little...

Before I could finish Alex was running away giggling.

As bad as things are right now Alex innocent smile and adorable giggle made everything worth it. He deserve a better life and I plan on giving that to them.

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