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Amanda steel will be playing Melissa


"Is this seat taken." someone asked from behind me.

I ignored the familiar presence behind me, plugging in my headphones

"Hello!, she yelled impatiently . She move her body to the side, so she was angle at the side of my face.

"What!" I yelled taking out my headphones. I twist my face so I was staring her right in the eye.

"I said is this seat taken." She asked again pointing to the empty seat next to me.

"Is your name Aiden", I asked her unblinking.

"What?" She said confuse.

"Than fuck off." I said putting my headphones back in my ears.

"So Fucking rude."she mumbles before walking to one of the many other empty seat in the class room.

I don't understand why she keeps on trying. Everyday she try's to talk to me and I ignore her. I even told her I was gay and she still thinks she has a chance. She's a beautiful girl and all, but she's just not my type.

The teacher dismiss us from class 20 minutes early, with a quick "see you next week".

I closed my notebook placing it in my bag before getting up from my seat.

Guess who was waiting for me at the door.

"Your forgiving." She said walking closely behind me.

My jaw clenched in irritation as I silently walk ignoring her existence.

"So how do you think you did on the test. I think I did great. If you ever need to cheat I got you", she said flipping her short honey brown hair.

There was so many things I wanted to say but I decided to keep my mouth shut. I didn't want to deal with a crying girl.

"Can you give me a ride my dad can't pick me up and my mom at work", Melissa ask looking up at me. Her small frame nothing compared to mines.

"No." I said opening my car door.

"Thank...ohh..okay that's fine I'll just walk." She said trying to make me feel guilty. If only she knew I only cared about 3 people and she wasn't one of them.

As she was about to walk away I could hear Aiden voice in my head telling me to be nice.

Fuck, I know he will be mad that I was letting this girl walk home.

"Fine get in and keep your mouth shut." I said not waiting for her before getting into my car.

"Thank you." She smile looking down.

"I have to pick someone up first before I drop you home."

Alex had a half a day today so I had no choice but to pick him up first before dropping off Melissa. I just hope she doesn't ask any questions.

"Why are we pulling up to a school ?" Melissa ask as I park the car in front of Alex school.

"Just stay in the car."

I walked silently to where the other parents were waiting for there kids, saying hi to the mothers who always seen to flirt with me.

"papa." Alex said running up to me with his big book bag on his back.

"Hey baby." I said picking him up and throwing him in the air.

"Your son is really smart sir, the brightest in the class." Alex teacher said smiling hard at me.

"Thanks, he gets it from his daddy." I said smiling at her confuse face.

"My daddy is the smartest daddy in the world." Alex said giggling.

"See you tomorrow." I said to Alex teacher as he yelled "bye miss applesauce (I'm a clown lmao) Alex said waving wildly at her from my shoulder.

"Papa who's that." Alex ask pointing to Melissa sitting in the front seat.

"That's papa stalker." I said as he look at me confuse.

"Me don't understand." He said shrugging his shoulders.

I place Alex in his car seat buckling him up as Melissa gives me a funny looks.

"Hi I Alex and this is my papa what's your name." Alex said to Melissa.

"Hi..I'm Melissa." Melissa said nervously.

I was shock Melissa isn't one to be nervous.

"No you papa stalker." Alex said innocently.

I burst out laughing as Melissa pale face turn red her blue eyes blinking nervously.

"What so funny." Alex ask pouting his lips.

"Nothing love, what did you learn in school today." I ask trying to lighten up the mood.

"Today I learn the sounds of animals bahhbahh guess who I am papa."

"A pig." I said messing with him.

"No papa pig no say that, I'm a goat." He said seriously scolding me.

"Oh wow." I said smiling at his cuteness.

"Oink oink I'm a pig. Papa you can be a dog." Alex said making pig noises.

"Woof woof." I said playing along with him. Melissa watch us with a smile on her face.

"So you do have a heart.", she said smiling to herself.

I decide to ignore her.

"Turn left here or there." I asked her.

"Right.", she said placing her hands on my leg.

I swerved the car right tightly gripping her hand and removing it from my lap. She didn't try to touch me again after that.

"I live right here." She said pointing to a big White House. She didn't live far from me just one street down. "Thanks for the ride again it was nice to met you Alex." She said opening the car door and getting out.

"Bye stalker." Alex said waving at her.

"Once she was out I didn't waste time driving away.

I just knew tomorrow she was going to ask me questions. Sometimes I really do hate being handsome, not to sound cocky just confident.

My confident is something I work hard on. After years of physical and verbal abuse, I lost myself. I had no faith or believe in myself. Aiden put me back together piece by piece he made me feel wanted and special. I will forever owe everything to him.

Don't forget to like and comment. I love reading the comments it honestly make me so happy when you guys comment. Hope you guys are all having a good day and if not just remember after every rain is a rainbow. Love you guys ❤️

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