Chapter 7

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"Seriously, I'm fine Winn. We don't need to do this," I told him while slouching my back against the car's seat.

After what happened earlier, Winn dragged me into his car and told me that he would drop me off at my house. I knew that we had 2 hours free time before the school bell would ring but basically, we left school without proper permission from the school authorities or had any legit excuse so that meant we are cutting class. God knows that I would be so dead once my parents find out about this.

"Don't worry, this will not put you in any more trouble," He said. "Just think about yourself first. You look wrecked," He added while driving past the school guard. I looked at the guard who spared us a glance back, but didn't do anything to stop the car.

"You're incredible," I said. "That guard didn't even stop us,"

He grinned at me while his eyes are still focused on the road. "You should really be close with the school staff so doing this kind of stuff won't be hard for you,"

"Never mind," I mumbled while folding my arms.

A comforting silence wrapped around the atmosphere. Winn's voice cut it off, "Mind if you start your story all over again?"

I stared at him. I bit my lip as uneasiness in my gut bothered me. I told Winn what has been happening to me for the last few weeks. I am quite relieve to have someone to tell all my suffering and grudges that was accumulating inside of me. It was a relief to tell it, though remembering the memories of what had happened wasn't that easy. It was as if every detail I said was a big lump in my throat that suffocated me.

I took a deep, courageous breath and started all over again.


"I don't understand why you don't want to report this in the police," Winn said as he began to park in front of our house. "They can help you,"

I slipped my backpack onto my back and unbuckled my seatbelt. "They can help me make everything worse," I reasoned out.

"By not doing it, you're putting yourself in more danger,"

I lowered my gaze and when I felt the car stop, I immediately opened the door and jumped out. I won't tell the police... I couldn't, Why? It was simple. Because I was scared. I was scared of him; I'm afraid of what he can do.

He said that he was responsible for the explosions while I was talking to Katherine. If he can do that to my best friend then he can do a lot worse to anybody- especially the police and my family isn't exempted. Just thinking of what he was capable of was already sending shivers down to my spine.

I heard the car door close, I shifted my vision to Winn and I didn't notice that I was staring at him longer than I should've been.

He smiled at me, I frowned. This made him drop his smile. He placed his right hand on my shoulder then gently gave it a tap. I jumped back to my senses and looked away.

I ambled to the pavement leading to my house, Winn followed. Half way of our walk, I stopped, making Winn bump into my back.

"You okay?" He asked from behind. I stood still, my head still raised up, looking directly at the 2nd floor windows of our house where all the bedroom lights were on. Consisting of my room, my parent's room and the guest room. That was odd and unusual.

It was probably only 1 in the afternoon and the sunshine outside perfectly lit the rooms, so there was no way that the bedroom lights should've be on, especially not the guest room which nobody used. Also, my parents wouldn't be back until 4. Someone's inside .

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