Chapter 8

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As I opened my eyes, I was blinded by the bright lights coming from above. I tried to cup my eyes using my hand but I found it very difficult, for my body didn't seem to correspond to what I want it to do.

As my eyes started to refocus, I smelled a familiar odor of sweat and blood. I also started to hear whispering, crying and whimpering coming from every direction. Oh, gosh... I hated this place. I concentrated myself on how I ended up here, the second hell, but my thoughts were jumbled and my memories were fazed.

As my visions started to sharpen, I was welcomed with a silhouette of a woman. Several seconds later, the figure was clear enough for me to describe her. She was immaculately dressed in a white nurse gown, her black hair was neatly pulled into a low bun, brown eyes and perfect set of teeth that smiled trustingly at me. I tilted my head to face her clearly, the tag placed on her shirt with a name clearly printed, Iza.

"Well hello there, you shouldn't be awake for several more hours, but it's still a good sign that you are," She announced. "How are you feeling?"

I opened my mouth weakly. "Head... ringing..." I said, the throbbing in my head and the ringing in my ear seemed to intensify with each word I uttered.

"Oh, that's not what I expected to hear for an answer though," She said. "Maybe the right word to use is what. So, what are you feeling right now?"

I closed my eyes. I wanted to scream that I was in pain right now but she seemed stupider than how she looked. She talked so much that it made my the pressure in my head worse.

"Do you feel any nausea?" She asked. I nodded.

"Pounding in your head?" I again, nodded.

"Or maybe ringing in your ears?" I forced my head to nod.

"Oh, that wasn't good news after all," She exclaimed. Well, thank you at least for being honest.

"It's better for you to rest," I sigh in relief. That's a good idea, after all.

"Its good to see you awake, I can now inform your boyfriend that you're fine now," I pried my eyes open. Boyfriend? I met her gaze, she smiled wider to me.

"Tall, hot, brown eyes... Girl, you got one piece of meat," She grinned. I came to a realization that she was talking about Winn. I wanted to object her statement and correct her that the guy she was talking about wasn't my boyfriend, but the words just wouldn't slip into my mouth. She scribbled on the chart she was holding and wrote down something.

"And considering your situation sweetie, you're luckier than your folks," Her smile dropped and her eyes widened in realization of what she said. She seemed to regret the words that she has spitted out from her nagging mouth.

She tried to say something again to cover up her previous statement but it was too late. My ears couldn't hear anymore, my mind went blank and the only thing which I seem to hear was her last sentence, "And considering your situation sweetie, you're luckier than your folks," Folks? Parents? Luckier? My mind tried to sink in what she has said... until,

The memories came running back to me in a blink of an eye. That day, the images of my parents badly beaten to death and someone grabbing me and smashing my head against the wall flooded my brain. My breathing shortened, and for the next second I found myself weeping and shouting the name of my parents.

Nurse Iza tried to calm me down but her actions weren't enough to stop me. Every second my shouting only got louder and the next thing I knew, I was fighting back my nurse to get out of my bed. I didn't know how I wasn't able to move my body a moment ago but now, I was like a wild animal that demands freedom.

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