Chapter 32

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The chilly wind moving across the damp bright green grass made me wary of my steps as the sun once again hide itself into the thick clouds. The lack of warmth and overwhelming gloomy energies that protrudes from my empty surrounding has pretty much no effect on me. The wet earthly smell of the area wafts into my nose, smelling like wild flowers mixed with the scent of death.

Sighing audibly as I pick up my pace, I survey the ground rigorously, searching for one name I've never dreamt to find in this kind of place. I quickly halted from my steps, narrowing my eyes as I crouched down slowly out of remorse. My hands made its way into the vines that are blocking the engrave name of my beloved upon the stone. My heart plummeted in denial as I began to see clearer, the letters inscribe in the marble.

I fell down on the soil, unable to keep my balance from the unnerving swirl of emotions that are running amok inside of my head. I shut my eyes tightly, preventing from warm tears to fall down. No matter how hard I try to deny everything I've seen, the memories of that night kept on flashing back. Forcing me to remember the fact that all of these had happened because of me.

It is my fault why Hope is dead.

The memories of that night were very vivid as it keeps on flashing back whenever I close my eyes.

I clearly remember how I made her choose, how I put so much burden and unjustifiable choice at the palms of her hands. She wasn't happy about it. The shock, denial and defiance were written all over her face; in which I honestly enjoyed.

"Choose." I announced threateningly as I fixated the gun on her head. She trembled as she picked up the gun out of sheer panic. She stared at it for a second before she slowly held the gun firmly then pointed it towards me.

I gaze at her with disappointment. "Really? You think that will work on me?" The corner of my lips curls into a mocking grin.

She shook her head as she returns the smile at me, which baffled for a moment. "Of course not. But this will." She said confidently before raising the gun, dauntlessly pointing it to her temple.

I stare deep into her eyes without holding any expression on my face.

3 minutes

5 minutes

7 minutes

More time passed by as we calculated each other's next movement for what seems like eternity. No one was moving. We were both hardly breathing. No one wants to commend defeat. We were both reckless and defiant. Perhaps that's the main reason why we're perfectly made for each other. However, I guess Hope has forgotten one thing about me.

I am not stupid.

Lowering my gun as I exhaled out of grave frustration, my disappointment has now turned into an inexplicable amusement. Wasting such precious time isn't just my forte and of course, testing my temper will bring nothing good to anyone either. But this is something that I wasn't expecting her to do. She usually thinks outside the box, of course I should've known that she will choose something that's not part of my given choice.

"Well, that is interesting."

She shot me a serious glare. "Goodbye motherf*cker." She shouted, pulling the trigger.



The color in her face started to drain as the gun she was holding refuses to shot a bullet into her head. She pulled the trigger multiple time but the responses were the same.

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