Chapter 29

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Two soft fingers slowly and gently grazed the marks at my back, making me flinch momentarily at the cold touch.

"Can I lower my gown now?" I impatiently asked.

I heard a soft chuckle as the person behind me stopped checking the old bruises at my back. I hastily lower the white hospital gown I was wearing and looked intently at the middle aged woman beside me. She wrote down something at the paper she was carrying with her and scribble more at the pages, figuring if she has forgotten something.

"You know, smiling a little wouldn't hurt." She stated. Her eyes are frozen at the papers she was holding.

I forced lifting up the end of my lips, though I presumably ended up making an eerie and maniacal smile that will make every living things on Earth shudder upon seeing me.

"That's better." Her rounded face lit up as she clutched the folder on her chest. "Now, just make sure that you're eating and taking your medicines on time."

"Y-Yes." It felt weird talking to someone new and completely normal for the first time. How long has it been since I've went out into the real world? A month? Perhaps a 2 or it could have been more than that. I don't know. I've never tracked the time and date. All I know was that it felt like I've been imprisoned on that place since forever.

"Now, to end all of this," She shoved her hand inside the wide pocket on her coat, looking for something. She then pulled out a small rectangular thing. "Please try that and tell me the result afterwards."

I grabbed the thing she's handing me. My brows knitted together upon laying my eyes at the pregnancy test. "I don't need this. I already tried this thing yesterday and it was negative. There's no need for me to try that again!" I almost shout the words out of my mouth as I hand the pregnancy test back to her, which she politely decline to accept.

"No, Hope. As I've said yesterday, the sperm last for at least five days inside the body of a fertile woman. We just need to make sure that —"

"That what? That a fucking baby formed inside of me? I told you that I am not pregnant! I will never carry a monster inside me." I yelled.

She wince in pain and that's when I only realize that I've grabbed her right arm and was digging my sharp nails on her olive skin. I immediately pulled away, taking my gaze onto the floor. "I didn't mean to do it."

She sighed. "It's okay. I shouldn't have forced you." She paused for a second. "It wasn't even necessary. I was wrong. Now, if you'll excuse me."

I started to hear the thumps of her heels hitting the floor. I embarrassingly watched her as she leaves my room. I felt sorry of what I've done. I genuinely regrets my abrupt aggression to her gentle and mandatory acts. It's her job to check my condition, to make sure that I'll be alright, yet here I was, scratching and digging my nails to her flesh for the 4th time. Not just once, but for the forth time... or fifth? I can't recall.

The 3 knocks on the door jolted me out of my thought. I looked at the dark officer entering my room. He flashed me a hopeful smile which I returned with a blank stare. I will never forget him. After all, he's the same guy who almost pointed a gun in my face, if only I hadn't lose consciousness before he did so. His name was something like Mikael or Michael Harris. He's 47 year-old, married and has 4 children. It's been only the second day since I've known him, yet he blabbers endlessly and tell me things about his life. He told me that he has a daughter, about my age and that he felt deeply sorry for what happened to me.

I didn't really tell him about my entire story. First of all, I just woke up in this hospital bed yesterday morning and that's when I've met him and his partner, they only asked few questions, though they confessed after they've questioned me that they already know that I was a missing girl. They've seen my face somewhere— I didn't quite understand because my eyes are puffy as I told them about the abuse part.

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