Chapter 21

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Sucking in a forceful deep breath as I tried to reach the glass full of water on top of the bedside table. I've managed to touch it with the tip of my fragile, slender fingers. I wince in pain as I tried to adjust my position to grab the glass, hoping to drink the water on it, to alleviate the dryness of my throat. After all of my agonizing attempts to reach it using my last bit of energy, my hand finally grab it, flaring a new glow of faith to keep my battered soul in this unfaithful world.

However, that faith was crushed into pieces as my hand abruptly lose control, sending the glass to the cold rigid wooden floor, shattering it into pieces; wrecking my only hope.

I pulled my hand and place it onto my bare chest. I haul the thick blanket upon my naked rangy body, covering the all the wounds and bruised as it protects me from the cold, hopeless atmosphere that surrounds the windowless room. No tears abscond from my eyes. I was dehydrated and hardly surviving. To think that the only thing that could relieve my suffering was shattered and spilled onto the floor, it's simply... despairing.

I had survived.

It's beyond a shock for me too, I didn't expect that someone, especially a weakling like me had cling to life this far after receiving such torturous beatings. With broken bones, bruised flesh, wounded and swollen back, I was far away from helpless. I can't move properly for the last 3 days and breathing was just as agonizing as moving to me.

It has been 4 days since my beating. I may can't keep track of time and the date but I knew it. Somehow, I knew how long is God letting me live into this wicked world. I'd hoped for a better scenario after that faithless night but it isn't what I had expect it to be. My suffering didn't end that day, It was only the start.

After being brought back into this suffocating room, I woke up feeling like hell. I was scorching with fever. My head was depicting endless hallucinations and my body felt like it was melting with so much torment. I was screaming... I was begging... even while being delusional, I know that I was shouting for help.

Despite of being in an unimaginable agony, no help came on that day.

Rules are strict and the punishment is even greater for those who will lend a hand to me. That's how fearful she is, that the twins and even He can't do anything about it. I had lived that day, crying and wailing for a solution but everything was in vain. I knew that I was going to die on that day as I drift off to darkness because of exhaustion.

Miraculously and somehow, ridiculously, I lived. I woke up by the loud whispering of the twins. They were carrying a plate of food and a glass of water. They declared how much they were sorry for not helping me, telling me that they were warned by that evil witch to let me be in pain or else... I'll experience something worse.

Jake sedated me with the same drug but I protested on what he has done. I don't need adrenaline surging on my veins... I need the pain to ease. They explained that they couldn't do that, Erlinda has some strict words not to gave me anything but the breakfast which I'll be eating for the rest of the day.

They give a reason like, Erlinda is monitoring me. Once she realizes that I'd stopped screaming of extreme agony, she'll be suspicious of what the twins are doing.Truly, my screams are like music to her. So, the least that the twins can do is to drug me with a gush of energy, enough for me to have the strength to eat and swallow my food.

The twins only came to my room once a day as they deliver my food. I don't even get it why they're always together when looking after me. Sure enough, one of them could do that simple task. Despite of the hundreds of questions that encircle inside my mind, I never dare to ask. For I was also thankful that they were here for me, helping me.

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