Chapter 22

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I step out of the shower as I grab the soft towel loosely hanging on the towel bar. I hastily wrap the towel around my naked body as the cold atmosphere starts to prickle thin frame. I walk slowly in front of the mirror, I place my hands on the sides of the sink as I stare into my reflection in my lifeless and seemingly hollow, dark hazel eyes.

3 more tormenting days had passed. Today, I've forced myself to stand up, I was fed up to have myself lying uncomfortably and worthlessly on the same bed while endless pessimism swirls inside my tiresome head, thinking that it would be better to die right at this moment than to continue battling between life and death.

I turned around and tilt my head as I gently lower the towel to take a look at the reflection of my dispiriting bare back. The swelling of my back has subsided and thankfully, the small cuts covering it is slowly closing without any signs of infection. I spun on my heels and before wrapping the towel back on my body, I took a long glance on the deep scars that will be forever marked onto my bruised flesh, piercing straight into my ragged soul.


I put the towel back to my naked body as I accordingly walk over the door and open it. I hold to my position when the two dark eyes of the twins welcomed me abruptly. I mentally kicked myself and walk limply back to my bed. Both of their mouths were slightly ajar, probably shocked by seeing me moving freely without the help of their drug. 

Cutting their uncomfortable stares, I began to talk. "Did you bring what I've asked you?" I asked John. 

He nods leisurely as he tossed me an extra large size of a shirt. I examine the shirt thoroughly, it's obvious that this shirt belongs to neither of them. The shirt looks almost as if it's a dress once I'll wear it. This will do. 

I decide not to ask where he gets this thing. "Thanks." I mumbled. All the three of us stare at each other and when they still have their gaze stuck on me, I raised a brow. "Aren't you supposed to at least turn around and let me put this shirt on? Or perhaps one of you want to help me?" I sarcastically asked.  

They hastily turned around, embarrassed. I don't understand the fact that they're acting so innocent as if they haven't purposely saw my naked body. 

This past week, just as I'm recovering from all the abuse I've received, I can't— or, more likely, I don't want myself to wear anything. It will only add another tormenting sensation in my beaten body. I honestly did nothing for the whole week except lay in bed, wide awake, contemplating whether I'll survive another day.

Since the twins only visit me once a day, along with my food, that's also the only time where I could go to the bathroom, clearly, with one of them helping me. However, I've only allowed them to assist me till I reach the bathroom, then they'll just wait for me at the door. A towel was always wrapped around my body whenever I went into the bathroom, but there are times where it falls from my body, simply because I was too weak to even hold it; afterwards, the awkwardness begin. 

I wasn't born yesterday, so I know that either of them have at least sneak a glance while they're assisting me.  

I carefully took off the towel as I wear the loose shirt John has given me. I take hold of the underwear I had taken in the cabinet earlier and cautiously slip it on my shivering legs. "Both of you can now turn around." When they both turn, they have this weird, crazy smile on their faces. What the heck are these two thinking?

"We're glad to see that you've regained your strength." Jake said.

"I can see that." I responded, giving them a questioning glare.

"So, I guess you don't need this anymore?" He pulled out a syringe. I rolled my eyes.

"Nope. I was planning to have a nice and long sleep today." The meal on top of my bedside table caught my attention. "Can't you do anything about my food? I mean... it's not like I'm complaining but all these time,  all you've given me is a cup of rice, an egg and 2 pieces of loaf bread. Don't you realize that I'll die out of malnutrition or hunger?"

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