Chapter 20

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Did you ever came to the point of your life where you just ask—beg rather, God for you not to wake up another day; so you wouldn't have to deal with some of the lamest shits in the world again. You just can't bear it anymore. It's too much for you to take. It's too much for me.

I awoke because of a piercing pain coming from my right side. I panicked for a while, thinking that the evil witch was back, but I was wrong. I was all alone in the same room. I sucked in a forceful deep breath which only made me cry in pain once again. The air I breathe seems to contain toxic which burn my lungs, only making me feels worse. Every heave of my chest feels like an elephant crushing me.

I had no energy at all. I can't even lift my slender finger, neither feels my legs. They already give up too. The pain, my misery... they were all just too much. I flutter my eyes open, trying to stay awake and alert at the same time. When I started to hear footsteps getting near, I shut my eyes close and controlled myself for making any kind of sound or movement.

The door busted open but quickly close too. The footsteps stop and was changed into a deep voice of a man.

"I know you're awake."

It's wasn't Winn. Despite staying silent and frozen, the man wasn't completely convince on my acting.

"One way or another, you have to open your eyes or we'll make you so."

I snapped my eyes open. We? Pulling the very last inch of my energy, I tilt my head and look at the direction of the door. My vision is swirling and it took me some time before I could see the twins standing in front of the doorway.

The redhead, John as far as I remember, took a front step. His expression is fuming out of confusion, pity and... fear? "Oh Go—," He stop himself from expressing such shock and immediately composed himself. "Erlinda sends us to check if you were still awake. It's time." He avoid looking into my tired eyes.

I closed my eyes again as a tear escape from them. "I c-can't move." I managed to croaked out. I thought it was audible, enough for them to hear me but I was wrong. I barely made a sound through my dried throat.

John sat beside me and checked my pulse. I grimace at his touch while his face ashen as he read my pulse. "Jake... she's too weak." He looked at his brother. "I don't think she'll survive this."

A cough cracked out from my throat. "I'm going to die."

"We won't let you..." the guy with a lip ring said.

I shook my head in defiance. "I'm going to die." I cried.

"Ssh. That's why we're here to help."

I look at them, baffled. My stale eyes widen in horror as soon as I see the injection which Jake slowly pulls off from his jacket. "Get that thing away from me!" I shout but all it sounded like was a miserable whimper. He took a step closer and my body started to convulse from the fear of being drug again.

"Hold her." The dark haired announce. John simply complied, he quickly but gently clamped his hand in my mouth as he use his other hand to tilt my head. I tried to scream and jerk my head away from his grip yet all my attempts were in vain; I was too weak.

Quickly, a short, stabbing pain bit onto the left side of my neck. The pain has instantly subsided. As a matter of fact, I thought I would fall asleep once again or at least die but I was wrong; surprisingly, I felt relief. It feels like I was getting stronger and I can literally feel adrenaline pumping through my veins. A lot of them actually, as if I was drowning on them.

"Can you sit now?" Jake asked, he still holds the injection on his right hand.

His twin brother's hand is still clamped onto my mouth and I managed to push it off softly, using my once fragile and feeble hand. "I think so." I whispered. John helped me to sat upright and I wobble as soon as I had sat. I leveled my back to the headboard, I thought I was strong enough but no... I can still feel the penetrating pain of my swollen and heavily beaten gut. I even think that I've heard my ribs cracking under my bruised flesh.

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