Chapter 10

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I pry my eyes open as I felt the bed shifting uncomfortably because of the weight of something I don't know. First, my eyes saw nothing but darkness but as soon as it refocus and adjust in the night, I can now see properly the bedroom features with the help of the moonlight.

I tilt my position sideward where I will be facing the windows. I close my eyes and decided to continue my interrupted sleep. Seconds later, I began to feel the familiar shifting of weights on my bed as if there's someone beside me.

I shot my eyes open in the idea that struck my mind. There's someone beside me? The shifting doesn't stop that only makes my crazy feeling worsen. I convince myself to go back to sleep. You're hallucinating, Hope. It's just the effect of the drug that has been sedated to you by those freaking bastards.

But the idea of someone beside me came into a cruel conformation when I began to feel a hand slowly crawling from my thighs to my stomach. My breathing came into a hitch and my body instantly froze in fear.

I started to feel a heavy breathing from the behind of my ear. The hand leave from my stomach but it quickly came back, with a cold metallic blade along with it.

"You can run Hope, as far and far and far away from me." He chuckle coldly as he slowly slide the knife from my stomach and upwards to it. "But you can never hide from me." He said, nibbling my earlobes.

"I will always find you." He placed the tip of the knife to my chest. "... because I love you."

I shout a blood screeching scream but it fell short when the blade plunge deep inside of my heart. I excruciatingly began to cough blood and for the next seconds, started to feel numb and fell motionless... eternally.

I sat upright in bed, clutching and touching my chest so hard. In my relief, I feel nothing sharp plunge into death in it. A small bitter smile stretch across my face. It's just a dream. I'm alive.

I look over the room and check to see if I'm alone and I am. I breathe deep and make an assurance that I am safe. I chuckled silently at myself. I am alive and safe, away from him.

I rested my head to the headboard of the bed and stared motionless at the darkness. What's happening to my life? I can't be like this, waking up from a nightmare 'cause of my stalker.

I closed my eyes and think of good thoughts which turned into a bitter memories.

The hairs on my neck stood up but I shrug the feeling. Maybe it's because of the AC. Then I felt a cold touch coming from the back of my neck that is starting to move up to my face.

They were hands.

What frightened me was the fact that they came out of nowhere. The hands continue to move until it stopped in my mouth, cupping it.

A warm breath on my right ear came next which make every living hell out of me stood up in fear. My body starts to tremble.

"Ssh." He said. "Finally..." he paused while sniffing my scent. "You're mine."

I scream in my full voice and power but it was useless because it was muffled. But still, I continue to scream and cry for help while he laugh behind me sinisterly in triumph.

Then I felt being pulled backward in such force.

And there's no one to stop him.

Or even help me.


I bolted out of the bed. I stumble and rolled miserably on the cold hard floor as I escape my helpless self into the middle of a mere dream and reality. I cowered myself into the corner of the wall and buried myself in there as I look at my surrounding nervously and with mighty fear.

Hope Is Mine (A Stalker Story)Where stories live. Discover now