Chapter 13

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The 25 year-old police officer stand impatiently in front of a blond male prisoner. He clenched his jaw and wait for few more seconds, hoping that the blond man will speak up. When the officer got no response, he grip the metal bars that separates him from his captive then shook it violently.

"C'mon Crawford! Tell me what you know," he shout through gritted teeth. "I know that you knew that this is going to happen. So now tell me," the officer scowled. "Where is Miracle Hope Carson?"

Crawford, the blond captive, continued to sat frozen on the floor. His gaze is drop below him, rejecting any eye contact from anyone. He shook his head as a mocking grin lifted up on the corner of his lips.

"I don't know." He said simply. "Why don't you ask her?" He added.

The officer drop his hands from the bars and curse under his breath. He glare at him for a moment before he took a deep breath and composed himself.

He turned around, defeated. The officer know that it will be rather useless, interrogating the blond male when he simply wouldn't comply. He step out of the small room where the small police station imprison for a while some captives before they're move out in a bigger prison.

He locked the small room. He flinch slightly at the small tap coming from the person behind him. He turned his head and saw his senior partner, Officer Jones, munching a chocolate Bavarian donut.

"Williams, Got any piece of luck?" The overweight officer asked.

Williams shook his head as they began walking back to his office.

Officer Jones grimace. "I told ya not to take this case seriously, boy." He told Williams. "There's a lot more important crimes out there than this case about a teenage girl running away from the hospital."

The young officer shook his head. No matter how many times his senior told him not to take this case seriously, something inside of him is still eager and keen to solve it. He doesn't know the reason why every time he tries to convince himself that this is just an ordinary case, there's always something new circumstances happening that keeps him from withdrawing from this case.

He doesn't know if it's because of the Carson's daughter who seemed to be the mastermind of the incident; Or maybe the records of the girl having a suicide attempt but it could also be about the girl escaping from the hospital. He wasn't really sure in what's the real reason why he's still putting all of his time resolving this case. Everybody in their team thinks it's an easy case where the daughter is to blame for everything.

It took the Officer long enough before he responded. "After her parents got beaten by that Crawford guy?"

Jones shook profusely. "Do you really think that she's part of that plan?"

And why would it not be her? She got psychiatric records. She have seen the guy who almost tried to kill her parents. And what make the predicament worse, she had ran away from the hospital.

Williams shrug his shoulders. "Honestly, I don't know. All we know is a one sided story coming from Crawford. We hadn't even got the chance to ask for that girl's side."

"All we will ever know is about that one sided story of that criminal since the person who knew the other half of the story has ran away from us." Jones corrected.

He couldn't argue further more with him because he knew that his senior was right. Since the girl was gone, there's no way they'll know further information.
For Williams, the Carson's case was like a beginner's jigsaw puzzle. All the situation pieces fit perfectly to one another, putting the daughter of the Carson's, Miracle Hope, as the person to blame. Everything seems to be easy to interpret and the evidences are only pointing to one person- Hope Carson.

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