Chapter 24

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"This is perfect!" I yelled with delight as I took a piece of pizza from the kitchen counter.

"Jake and John went to town this morning and I took the chance to ask them to buy a pizza." Winn said, taking a bite on his own piece.

I nod, nibbling my Hawaiian pizza. "Great. I thought I have to endure eating eggs and bread forever." I whispered.

3 more days had passed and stealing the key of Winn's car is harder than I thought. He's been more careful and cunning on his everyday activities. For all I know, a group of keys must be inside of his pocket jeans but when he started to keep an eye on me, it looks like he hid those keys somewhere in the house.

My movements in the house is less restricted though, so I think that's a good sign. I can go freely back and forth to the kitchen and my room, and when I desire to smell some fresh air, Winn and I will go outside for a short period of time.

However, the kitchen was left emptied and all sorts of dangerous materials that will cause harm has been seized by Winn. He sure is keeping me safe from always everything... except for himself.

After finishing 3 more pieces of pizza, I drank the juice that Winn has prepared for me. "Man, I'm stuffed." I said as a soft burp escape from my lips.

Winn chuckled. "What do you want to do today?"

"Today? Ugh..." I stared at the ceiling and think of some fun activities to do, but I didn't come up with a good one. All I've ever done in this house are: sleeping, eating, reading the books Winn has recommended and staring game with him. There's really no fun at those things at all.

Perhaps I could ask questions now? Ever since that day when I've asked him about Rachel, Winn has been ignoring and dodging all my questions, there was one time where I've pushed some questions too much that he almost hit me again. So in the end, I've decided to shut my mouth.

Will this be a good timing? I thought of asking him about his parents but that doesn't seem to be a very pleasant topic to discuss right now. He hasn't even fully trust me, yet. Parents? That's right... What I'm doing right now isn't just for me. This is also for my parents.

I wonder how they are right now? The last time I've seen my parents, they're still in the hospital and before I could even see my mom, that's the time when Winn took me out of the hospital. Was is a coincidence or has he planned that one too?

The last thing I know about my dad is that he's on a coma, has he awaken now? How about my mom, has she fully recover from everything? I haven't heard any news from Katherine too. My expression turned sour, as my brows creases in approval with all those questions running amok inside my head. I wouldn't be stressing all these stuffs if Winn didn't do all these bullshits.

Shaking my head as I jump back to reality when I felt someone's hand gently squeezing my right hand.

"Thinking about something?" He asked.

Should I say yes or no? Well, I guess there's no point for lying right now. After all, these are all his doings. "Yeah."

"About what?"

"My parents..."

I heard my bones crunching in disturbance as Winn's clasp on my hand tighten. "Do you still think about them?"

Of course! They're my goddamn parents!!! I want to shout these words to him but I can't. I'm also this far of gaining his trust, I can't take the risk of losing it. "O-Of course. I'm worried about them."

I wanted to jerk my hand away because of the inflicting pain from his tight strain. My arms are tensing up from his harsh force. "I-I mean... You know that I can't live a new life knowing that my parents are suffering. I just want to be sure that they'll be alright before staring anew... with you."

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