Chapter 2*

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I try to wriggle from his grasp, but it's too strong and too tight. The copper taste in my mouth is disgusting. The blood spilled around my mouth and is starting to dry. "Please, don't," I beg.

His hand strokes my cheek to wipe some of my tears. The sheer look in his eyes paralyzes me. "Don't cry, love. Maybe you'll be my first success." His hand moves from my cheek to my jaw, and he pulls.

I wake up screaming. Am I dead? Where am I?

Someone bursts through the door with a bat. I realize I'm not at the school. I'm in the McCall house. Completely safe. "Lia, are you alright?" Scott asks. He still hasn't put down the bat. I'm pretty sure if there was any danger he would've had to use it by now.

"Yeah, just a nightmare," I say. I'm not exactly sure who I'm trying to convince. I sit up in my bed and run a hand through my hair, I cringe when it gets covered in sweat. "Don't worry about it. I'm just gonna get ready. Thanks for checking in on me though. I'm sure that bat will come in handy one day. Go back to sleep." He smiles and walks out.

I start the shower and push it all the way hot. Hopefully I can burn out the remnants of this nightmare. Not that it won't be long until another one comes to take its place. Most of my nightmares take place during that night. I wasn't even a senior, but my mom was working, and Tyler asked me to tag along. A pity invite, I guess. I forced myself to go. I finally deserved some fun, right?

My breath finally stabilizes under the steam of the shower. Get it together, Lia. He won't find you. He has a million other more important things to worry about, and plenty of other werewolves to sire. You're not special.

I don't know how long I sat in there, but when I come out and dry my hair the sun is finally in the sky. I put on black yoga pants and a crop top that says "Sweet Serial Killer" in red. I've been a sucker for sarcasm and sardonic humor ever since I was younger. Plus, who doesn't love Lana Del Rey?

I put on makeup to look a little less dead. If you asked me two years ago about makeup, I would've told you that I'd never be caught dead wearing it. I also probably would've told you that I wouldn't be a vampire-werewolf hybrid freak, so I guess things don't always work out as we planned them. I put on black winged eyeliner and red lipstick. Hopefully if they see any sort of red stains on my teeth I can just say it transferred and be done with it. As for my hair, I just let it fall naturally.

I chug down a blood bag and put another into a water bottle. I figure if I stay well fed, I won't feel the need to make someone on the student council open a vein until they bleed out. Not the first time a vampire has done it, and I can't stop any of the others from doing it, but I might as well try to save the world one defenseless human at a time.

I walk downstairs and Scott is already waiting for me. "Hey, do you want to borrow my car?" I ask. I stand by the windowsill feeling the sun soak through. "It's a beautiful day, so I decided to walk."

"I was thinking the same thing actually. I'm going to ride my bike. I just wanted to let you know before I left. I might have to take you up on that offer later though." Scott finishes packing his bag, and heads out the door. I do a once over of everything in my bag and then lock up the house. I start my walk to Beacon Hills High School.

Although I'll never grow up, I still want to be a relatively normal teenager. At least the first time around. I enjoy the sun on my face. The California sun is a lot different than in Virginia. It's warmer, brighter. At first I wasn't even sure if I'd be able to be in the sun considering vampires burn up, but the werewolf part cancels it out.

I've been spaced out for too long. I check the time and I only have ten minutes to get to school. I vamp speed there. I make it with a few minutes to spare. I see Scott and Stiles out in front of the school mid conversation. I walk up to them. "I heard a wolf howl," Scott whispers.

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