Chapter 4*

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The air once again fills my lungs as the darkness edges away. The horrified expressions on the boys' faces told me one thing: I had been dead. "I died didn't I?" I ask. They both have confused expressions on their face. I sit up and realize I still have one arrow in me. I wince in pain and pull it out. 

"Uh, am I the only one wondering what the hell just happened?" Stiles yells, his arms flailing. 

"Surprise I'm dead." I state, doing jazz hands. Leave it up to me to use my death as a way to reveal my secret

Stiles looks like he is going to punch me in the face. "'Surprise?' You're alive! You were dead, not breathing, and now you're alive," Stiles says. 

I nod, not really knowing what to say. "Yeah, pretty much."

Warm arms wrap around me. "God, I'm so glad you're okay." Stiles whispers into my neck. For a good minute, I just sit there, hugging him back. 

I reluctantly pull myself out of his embrace. "I should explain. Long story short: back in Mystic Falls I had an accident that turned me into a werewolf. Then, a vampire killed me, turning me into an immortal vampire werewolf hybrid." I explain. 

"What?!" Scott shouts. 

"I honestly really don't know. I was pretty much a pawn in some centuries long evil scheme? I wasn't really privy to any more information than that. It was just 'drink this blood, you live forever now'," I say. Scott sighs and puts his face in his hands. 

Stiles' face morphs into an excited expression. "That's awesome!" Stiles exclaims. 

"I wouldn't call me getting murdered awesome, but let's go with that." I say.

"If you're a hybrid or whatever why aren't you healing?" Scott asks. I look down at my wounds, they haven't completely healed. I needed to feed to heal fully. I ran out of blood bags today.

Looking down, I see that my dress is stained with blood. "Dammit, this is why I can't have nice things," I whine. 

"How are you so nonchalant about this? You just died!" Stiles shouts. I shrug at him.

"If you were listening to my story, it's not the first time, probably won't be the last. And to answer your question Scott I need to feed to heal all the way." I answer. 

"Feed?" They both question.

"I mentioned I was a vampire. What do vampires eat? Keep up people," I remark, getting up from the table.  "By the way do one of you want to break into the hospital and steal blood from the blood bank?"  

"Uh, no. Why would we ever do that?" Scott asks. 

"I ran out this morning and I don't think that me walking into the hospital with an open wound would turn out right. Unless... Stiles feels like opening a vein," I suggest.  I'm not serious, though. Hopefully he knows that. 

Stiles' eyes go wide. "What? Me? Why can't Scott do it?" Stiles questions. 

"I drink human blood, and after tonight we know Scott is obviously not human," I answer. 

"I'll do it," Stiles says. He can't even get the words out without grimacing. I laugh which hurt considering my slowly healing open wound.

"Stiles, honey, that's very sweet, but you would cry. You hate needles and it would be like being stabbed with 2 not so butterfly needles. You would cry," I say. 

"I wouldn't cry." Stiles scoffs, puffing his chest out.  

Scott chuckles. "Dude, she's right. You would totally cry." 

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