Chapter 11

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I instinctively put Stiles behind me. "Well you definitely attracted the alpha. No clue if that's a good thing." I say. Derek gets thrown around like a rag doll. Not a good thing. We run into the school. "Lock it! Lock it!" Scott yells. "Do I look like I have the key?" I ask. "Grab something!" Stiles says.

I speed out to grab the tool outside and jam it into the door. Scott and Stiles then argue about the door holding and if Deaton is the alpha. "He killed Derek." Stiles says. "No Derek's not dead. He can't be dead." Scott says. "Blood spurted out of his mouth, that doesn't qualify as a minor injury. Derek's dead and we're next." Stiles predicts. "What do we do?" Scott asks. "We get to my Jeep, we get out of here, and you seriously think about quitting your job." Stiles suggests.

Stiles tries to open the windows but can't. "The school is climate controlled." I say. "Then we break it." Stiles instructs. "Which will make a hell of a lot of noise." Scott argues. "Then we run, really fast. I know you can speed us there Lia." Stiles states. "Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your car?" I ask. "What do you mean? Nothing's wrong." Stiles assures. "It's bent." Scott agrees. The battery is then thrown through the window. "We need to get out of here now. Some place without windows, like the locker room." I suggest. We make our way down there.

"Call your dad." Scott says. "And tell him what?" Stiles questions. "I don't know, anything. Gas leak, fire, whatever. If that things sees the parking lot filled with cop cars, it will take off." Scott says. "What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad?" Stiles yells. "They have guns." Scott argues. "Yeah and Derek had to  be shot with a wolfbane bullet to even be slowed down. A bullet won't matter unless it's to the head and they won't be able to make the shot." I explain. "We have to find a way out and just run for it." Scott says. "There's nothing around the school for miles." Stiles states. "What about Derek's car?" I question. "That could work." Stiles agrees.

"This is reminding me of Senior Prank Night." I say to myself. "What happened Senior Prank Night?" Stiles questions. "Oh nothing. I just was trapped in the school with a psychopath and got murdered." I explain. "That's comforting." Stiles remarks. "Shh. I think I heard something." I say. "Me too." Scott agrees.

It turned out to be the janitor. The alpha then kills the janitor. We try to get to the door. "What the hell?" Scott asks. "It's a dumpster. The alpha pushed it in front of the door so we couldn't get out." I say."I'm not dying at school." Stiles says. "We're not going to die." I assure. "God what is he doing? What does he want?" Stiles questions. "Me. Derek says it's stronger with a pack." Scott explains.

This is literally a repeat of the situation I have going on with Klaus except for I wasn't stupid enough to call him out. "Great. A psychotic werewolf who's into teamwork. That's beautiful." Stiles remarks.

"Alright we have to do something." I say. "Like what?" Scott asks. "I don't know. Kill it, hurt it, inflict mental anguish on it. Something." Stiles says. "I vote for the killing it. I could probably hold it off while you get away. Live in a town of vampires and you learn a few things." I suggest. "No. You're not going to get yourself killed. I won't let you." Stiles says. "I can take care of myself." I assure. "Come on the desk." Scott says. We push the desk in front of the door, trapping the alpha in the room.

"What are you doing?" I question. "I just want to get a good look at it. It's trapped, it's not gonna get out. Yeah that's right we got you." Stiles taunts. "Will you shut up!" Scott yells. "I'm not scared of this thing. I'm not scared of you. Right cause you're in there and we're out here. You're not going any-." Stiles was cut off by the alpha jumping through the roof.

"Not so ballsy now, are you Stilinski?" I joke. We start walking through the halls. I hear a phone ringing. "I know that ring, it's Allison's phone." Scott says. Well that's an interesting turn of events. Stiles calls Allison's phone.

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