Chapter 26

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Allison and I are in hanging out in her room complaining about boys. "I mean I get that I messed up, but people are dying. Scott just left me there to stay on the sidelines." Allison states. "He's just stressed. Everything that's happening to Jackson and the full moon. Scott will make up for it later." I assure. "How's everything with Stiles?" Allison questions. "Don't even get me started with Stiles. We had our first fight. It wasn't a small one either." I state.

Flashback to last night:

"I mean it makes sense. We could literally be together forever. That's all I want." Stiles admits. He has a huge grin on his face. "I'm not turning you." I state. Stiles' smile falls. "Do you not want to be with me?" Stiles questions hurt. "Of course I want to be with you. There is nothing more I would want in the world. I love you Stiles. It's because I love you that I won't condemn you to the same fate as mine." I explain.

He grabs my hands and holds them tightly. "I want this. I want us. Turn me." Stiles demands. "You may want this now but what happens when you wake up in a couple years when everyone else is growing up and starting a family, and you realize you want to be human? Or when everyone dies are we're still alive? You'll resent me and regret everything!" I yell tears streaming down my face. Stiles opens his mouth to defend himself, but I storm out before her can.

End of flashback.

"You'll get through it, just like Scott and I." Allison assures me. Lydia bursts through the doors multiple bags in hand. "Clear your schedules. This could take awhile." Lydia says. "How many outfits do you plan on wearing tonight?" I question. "It's my birthday party. I'm thinking host dress, evening dress, then after hours casual." Lydia states pulling out dresses and holding them to herself.

"I noticed that you didn't send out any invites." Allison says. "It's the biggest party of the year Allison. Everyone knows." Lydia responds. "I was wondering if maybe this year things, you know, might be different." Allison admits. "Why would anything be different?" Lydia questions. "Just becuase things have been off lately. Things and people. Like Jackson." I answer.

"Why would you care about Jackson?" Lydia questions. "Do you know if he's coming tonight?" Allison asks. "Everyone's coming." Lydia answers. She holds up two dresses. Lydia hands Allison a material girl dress and she hands me red strapless dress. "These are for you. Ms. Argent what do you think of this one?" Lydia asks as Victoria walks into the room.

I decided against telling Allison what her mother did last night. "Oh it's lovely. Allison can I grab you for a moment to talk? Just the two of us." Victoria says. Something is wrong with her, her heart is beating abnormally fast and she's sweating. "Um, can we do it later?" Allison asks. "To be honest. Sooner would be better." Victoria answers.

"Party is at 10:00." Lydia informs. "Will you be around before then?" Victoria questions. "I think so. I don't know." Allison states. Her mom walks out of the room and we continue putting together our outfits. I try on my dress and of course it's way too short for my liking. "I feel like a streetwalker." I state. "You look hot." Lydia replies. "If I make one wrong move my boobs will pop out of my dress." I complain. Allison giggles.

"Flaunt what you've got babe." Lydia responds. "I don't think that Stiles will be able to stay mad at you in that dress." Allison comments. I groan and give in. "Happy birthday by the way." I say. "Thanks. I actually appreciate that." Lydia says. "I'm gonna bring you some quality booze to your party. Trust me, I have a source who has more than qualified me to know my alcohol. Especially Bourbon." I state.

I got to a liquor store and get one of everything really. I may or may not have compelled them to let me buy it. When I get to Lydia's, Scott and Stiles are already there. "Anyone order alcohol with a side of Lia?" Scott jokes. "I know nobody ordered a side of your sarcasm." I retort.

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