Chapter 23

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"What do we do now?" Stiles asks. Scott and I didn't even answer, we just chased after Jackson. We are positioned behind a building because we lost Jackson. I feel a tap on my shoulder. "You scared the hell out of me!" I yell. "Sorry. Did you see where he went?" Stiles questions. "We lost him." Scott states. "You couldn't catch his scent?" Stiles asks. "I don't think he has one." I answer.

"Any clue where he's going?" Stiles questions. "To kill someone." Scott replies. "Ah. That explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that. Makes perfect sense now." Stiles sasses. Scott glares at him. "What? Come one. I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense." Stiles states. "Just help me find it." I command. " Not it, Jackson." Scott corrects. "I know." I reply.

"Alright, but does he know that? Did anybody else see him at your house? I mean, I don't think so, but he already passed Derek's test anyways." Stiles states."Yeah but that's just the thing, how did he pass the test?" Scott questions. "Maybe its like an either or thing. I mean, Derek said a snake can't be poisoned by it's own venom right? When's the kanima not the kanima?" I question. "When it's Jackson." Scott answers.

"Uh dude. See that? He's inside. What's he gonna do in there?" Stiles questions. "I know who he's going after." Scott states. "What? How? Did you smell something I didn't?" I ask. "Armani." Scott answers. Jackson is going after Danny. We search for a way in and find a locked back door. "Alright maybe there's a window we could climb through, or some kind of handle we could rip off with supernatural strength. How did I not think of that one?" Stiles asks himself as we enter the club.

"Dude everyone in here is a dude. I think we're in a gay club." Scott states. "Man nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses huh Scott." Stiles sasses. There are drag queens all over my man. "If you'll excuse me, I'm sure you all have great personalities, but this hottie is taken." I say and reclaim my boyfriend. We walk over to the bar.

"Three beers." Stiles orders. "IDs?" The bartender questions. Scott and Stiles give them their IDs. "How about 2 cokes." The bartender suggests. "Rum and coke? Coke's fine actually. I'm driving anyway." Stiles says bobbing his head to the music. "I'll actually take a shot of tequilla." I compel the bartender. He hands it to me and I down it. "What? I need something to take the edge off." I state.

"That one's paid for." The bartender informs handing the boys their drinks. Scott looks extremely prideful and flattered. "Okay, shut up." Stiles says. "I didn't say anything." Scott replies. "Yeah well your face did." Stiles answers. "Would it make you feel better of I bought you a coke?" I question. "Possibly. Hey I found Danny." Stiles states. "I found Jackson." Scott says pointing to the ceiling.

"Get Danny." I tell Stiles. "What are you gonna do?" Stiles asks. Scott and I both take out our claws. "Works for me." Stiles says. I have my eyes locked on Jackson until the fog machines go off. At that point I go to find Danny. I see that Stiles is right in the line of fire of the kanima and I step in front of them. I feel claws go into me and I go down with 7 other guys. "Dammit not again." I complain.

"Stiles you need to get me out of here." I state. "Don't worry. I've got you." Stiles assures and picks me up. "What happened to the whole fragile skin and bone theory?" I question. "I've got to be strong for my damsel in distress." Stiles says. "Oh how the tables have turned." I joke. Stiles puts me in the back next to Jackson. Thank God he's covered up.

"Couldn't get anything out of Danny." Scott informs us. "Okay can we just get the hell out of here now, before one of my dad's deputies sees me? Oh my God. Could this get any worse?" Stiles asks. Jackson groans. "That was rhetorical." Stiles says. "Get rid of him." Scott commands. "Get rid of him? We're at a crime scene and he's the sheriff." Stiles states. "Do something." I say. Stiles groans before getting out of the car.

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