Chapter 19

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"You really can't remember anything?" Allison questions. "They call it a fugue states, which is basically a way of saying 'We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for 2 days.' But personally I don't care. I lost 9 pounds." Lydia states. "It totally shows. Are you ready for this?" I ask. "Please. It's not like my aunt's a serial killer." Lydia sasses.

When we walk though the doors, the entire student body does too. Lydia is frozen in place under all of the judging glares. "Maybe it's the 9 pounds." Allison suggests. Lydia flips her hair, puts her game face on, and struts away. Allison and I share an amused stare. "I have to go to practice. See you at lunch." I state and head to the locker room. While walking towards the girl's locker room, I pass the boy's one. I hear chains rattling and see it's coming from Stiles' locker. I am probably gonna get some weird stares today now.

I change and make my way to Scott and Stiles. "Nice stunt in the locker room Stiles." I state. "Hey that was not my fault." Stiles defends. "It was like a scent, but I couldn't tell who it was." Scott says. "Am I missing something?" I question. "Scott thinks there is another werewolf on the team. What if you could get him one on one? Would that help?" Stiles asks. "Yeah." Scott replies. Stiles walks away to talk to the coach.

"Who's that?" I question point towards the boy with the camera. "That's Matt. Why?" Scott asks. "No reason. He's just kind of popped up for some reason." I state. "I told coach you're switching with Danny for the day." Stiles says. "But I hate playing goal." Scott whines. "Remember when I said I had an idea? This is the idea." Stiles explains. "Oh. What's the idea?" Scott responds. "I seriously don't understand how you survive without me sometimes." Stiles says.

"Let's go! Line it up! Faster!" Coach yells. Everyone gets into the line and I am in front of Stiles. Scott then tackles the player and sniff him. "Because that's completely subtle." I mutter. "McCall! Usually the goalie stays somewhere within the vicinity of the actual goal. Let's try this again." Coach says. Scott then repeats his actions. Coach grabs Stiles by the helmet. "Stilinski what the hell is wrong with your friend?" Coach questions. "Uh, he's failing 2 classes, he's a little socially awkward, and if you look close enough, his jaw line's kind of uneven." Stiles rambles. "That's interesting." Coach mumbles.

Scott then tackles Danny and obviously sniffs him. "Armani." Danny states. "Huh?" Scott questions. "My aftershave Armani." Danny clarifies. "Oh. It's nice." Scott says. "McCall! You come out of that goal one more time and you'll be doing suicide runs until you die. It will be the first ever suicide run that actually ends in a suicide. Got it?" Coach questions. "Yes coach." Scott replies. "Coach, my shoulder's hurting. I'm gonna sit this one out." Jackson states.

I hear faint growling coming from Isaac Lahey. He's the werewolf, I am sure of it. They tackle each other and then coach blows the whistle. I see Sheriff Stilinski approach. "Why is you dad here?" I question. "I have no idea." Stiles replies. "His father is dead. They think he was murdered." Scott states. "Are they saying he's a suspect?" Stiles asks. "I'm not sure, why?" I question. "Because they can lock him on a holding cell for 24 hours." Stiles explains.

"How good are these holding cells at holding people?" Scott asks. "People, good. Werewolves, probably no that good." Stiles replies. "Stiles remember when I said I don't have the urge to maim and kill? He does." Scott states. "Well that's wonderful." I mutter. Soon we have to go to chemistry. "Why would Derek choose Isaac?" I question. "Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you, it could kill you. And maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving." Stiles suggests. "Does being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?" Scott asks.

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