Chapter 12

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A/N: This chapter's storyline doesn't really go with 1x08 it is more of a Stiles and Lia chapter. Speaking of which, what should their ship name be? Stia? Stilia? Liles?

I wake up to find that I am snuggled up to a sleeping Stiles. His mouth is open and he is faintly snoring. He is so adorable. Last night's events play through my head and I can't help but smile. Stiles Stilinski is finally mine. I quietly slip out of his bed, change into my black yoga pants from yesterday, and head downstairs. I am gonna do something I haven't done in a long time, make breakfast. Before I had to rely on blood for sustenance, I was quite the cook.

It seems as though not even the Sheriff is awake yet. Why am I up so early? Since I have practically spent all of my summers here I know where everything is. I find that surprisingly their fridge is full of groceries. The Stilinskis are not prone to cooking. They are more of a toast and take out kind of family. It makes sense, his mom used to do all of the cooking.

I decided to make eggs, bacon, and pancakes. While those are cooking I brew some coffee. I distribute the food into 3 plates and put the coffee in mugs on the table. Do I drink the coffee first or wakes Stiles up? I head up to Stiles' room. "Wake up Stiles." I say. "Five more minutes." Stiles pleads. I get an idea. I kiss him and his eyes shoot open and he kisses back. "I could get used to that." Stiles says. I hold out my hand to help him out of bed, once he grabs it he immediately retracts it. "What have you been doing? Putting your hand in a bucket of ice?" Stiles questions. "Should've drank the coffee first. I'm cold to the touch, side effect of being dead. Coffee warms my skin up." I explain. He looks at me for a second and I shrug.

"Is that bacon I smell?" Stiles asks. "Am I the best girlfriend?" I inquire. "If the answer to my first question is yes, then definitely." Stiles answers. "I made some for your dad too. You can wake him up if you'd like." I say. "You just keep getting better Lockwood." He says. Stiles wraps a hand around a waist and kisses my neck from behind. I can't stops giggling. "We should go before the food gets cold." I say. "This is way better than food." Stiles replies. I grab his hand and walk downstairs only to find that the sheriff is already awake and sitting at the table. "Stiles didn't make this right?" Mr. Stilinski questioned. "No I did." I clarify. "Good now I can fearlessly eat it." Stilinski explains. "Hey I can cook, possibly, if I ever tried." Stiles sighed in defeat and sat down.

When we start eating I start playing footsie with Stiles under the table because why not? It was all fun and games until I got annoyed and stepped on his foot, then he let out a girlish squeal. The Stilinskis devoured the food in mere minutes. "Where did you learn to cook like that?" Stilinski questioned. "My mom taught me." I answer. Under the table Stiles gives my hand a squeeze. I mean my mother and I had a great relationship until she tried to kill me, and I actually killed her. "I'm sorry about bringing up your mom." Stilinski apologizes. "Don't worry about it. I'm dealing with it." I assure. If extreme procrastination is dealing with it.

Once the sheriff is done eating, he leaves for work. Not before informing us that he will not tolerate any 'funny business' while he was gone. I assure him there will be none of that going on. When he leaves Stiles and I start kissing on the couch. Okay maybe I lied.

I can slowly feel the hunger start to creep up. Even when it's only been 18 hours since I fed, my veins are starting to feel like sandpaper. "Ugh I'm starving." I complain. "We just ate." Stiles says. "Not for real food. I haven't fed since after school yesterday. I need to stop by my place and grab a few blood bags if you're making me stay here." I explain. "I don't know how I feel about you going back there." Stiles says. "Scott is still Scott. He will still be your best friend when all of this is over and I'll be fine. I'll be right back." I assure. I give him a quick peck on the lips and leave.

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