Chapter 22

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"Guys, I just talked to my dad, who just talked to Jackson, and I've got really terrible, horrible, very, very bad new." Stiles states. "I think we already know." Scott says cocking his head towards Isaac. Isaac turns around and smirks at us. "Really? That's all you've got, a smirk? Very original." I scoff. "I could kill you." Isaac retorts. "Someone already beat you to the punch honey." I sass. "Maybe when I do it, it'll be final." Isaac replies. "I think I'll laugh about this in a century when you're long dead, and I still have my youthful glow." I say.

"I only found one thing online called the kanima. It's a werejaguar from South America that goes after murders." Stiles states. "That thing was not a jaguar." Scott says. "Yeah and I'm not exactly a murderer." Stiles says. "Derek is. That could explain the night in the pool. I am, that could explain the garage." I argue. "Stiles you did see it kill somebody, which is probably why it tried to kill you, and probably won't stop until your dead." Scott states. "You know I'm really beginning to question this friendship." Stiles mutters. "Or Stiles just happens to surround himself with murders and is completely safe." I say.

We get to economics and sit in our usual triangle, Stiles sitting next to Scott, me sitting behind Stiles. Jackson comes up and sits in the desk next to me. "Hey testicle left and right. What the hell is a kanima?" Jackson questions. How the hell did he hear about that? "Listen up. A quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you, like McCall, might want to start their own study groups, because tomorrow's midterm is profoundly difficult. I'm not even sure I could pass it." Coach says.

"Paralyzed from the neck down. Do you have any idea what that feels like?" Jackson questions. "I'm familiar with the sensation." Stiles says. "I do too. Doesn't feel as weird as waking up from death so stop being a little bitch boy." I state. Jackson scoffs at me. "Why would he think it's you?" Scott asks. "How should I know?" Jackson replies.

"Wait, do they think it's Lydia?" Stiles questions. "I don't know, all I heard was her name and something about chemistry." Jackson answers. Coach then yells at Jackson for talking in class. "How do we know it's not her?" I ask. "Because I looked into the eyes of that thing. And what I saw was pure evil. And when I look into Lydia's eyes, I only see 50% evil. Alright maybe 60. No more than 40 on a good day." Stiles argues. "Stiles that's not a very good argument." Scott states. "I'm aware of that, but I swear it's not her. Lydia is fine." Stiles says.

"Define fine." I say pointing to a sobbing Lydia at the front of the class. "Okay then anybody else want to try answering? This time in English?" Coach asks. "What is that Greek?" Scott questions. "No, actually I think it's English." Stiles states. He flips the picture he took and it spells out SOMEONE HELP ME. "Yeah she's completely fine." I say.

The bell rings and we head to Harris' class. "Derek is not gonna kill her without proof." Scott states. "So her tests her like he did with Jackson right? But when and where?" I ask. "I think here and now." Stiles sighs pointing to Erica and Isaac. We race over to entrap Lydia in a friend seating sandwich. Harris then rants about stupidity and my boyfriend. He explains how we will be working in partners, none of our choice.

"Ms. Lockwood, Mr. Stilinski, and Mr. Lahey." Harris states. "You harm one hair on her head, I'm gonna turn your little werewolf ass into a fur coat and give it to her as a birthday present." I threaten. "Really? I've never actually been to one of her parties. I did ask her out once though." Isaac states. "Sound like the beginning of a heartfelt story. I'm gonna pass thanks." Stiles says. "It was the first say of freshman year-" Isaac starts. "And you thought everything would be different for you in high school, but she said no." I interrupt.

"Yeah, she even laughed. Told me to come back when the bike I rode had a motor not a chain." Isaac states. "Unrequited love's a bitch. Maybe you should write about it in English class you know? Channel all of that negative energy." Stiles suggests. "Nah I was thinking I would channel it into killing her. I'm not very good at writing. Or I could channel my heightened anger with Lia in my bed. I hear vampires like it rough. Come on Lia, you can't turn down some hot hybrid sex." Isaac suggest sliding his hand up my thigh.

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