Chapter 17

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The gym wasn't as decked out as Mystic Falls dances, then again Beacon Hills doesn't have a Caroline Forbes. "Do you want to dance?" Stiles asks. "We're at a dance aren't we?" I reply. He takes my hand and guides me to the dance floor. One of his hands is on m waist, and the other is intertwined with mine. I have one hand on his neck and my head is pressed into his shoulder. I know it's cliche, but I feel like I'm home. There is no other place I would rather be.

Scott then gets caught by coach, but he expertly avoids getting kicked out by dancing with Danny. I have to say that boy is good under pressure. I revert my attention back to Stiles when I see Scott dance with Allison. "You know for a guy who is really clumsy, you're good at this dancing thing." I compliment. "If it were anybody else I would be terrible. I'm too afraid you'll kill me if I step on your toes." He jokes. "Your assumption was correct. It seems that in these walking deathtraps, I'm the clutz." I say referring to my heels.

"We could take a break. Let you rest your feet, I can get us punch." Stiles suggests. "That punch is probably spiked with 6 different alcoholic beverages by now. I don't want to carry you home." I say. "Yeah you're probably right." Stiles states. I see Lydia leave the gym to look for Jackson. That poor girl is still in love with him. She really missed her chance with Stiles. "Do you want to go for a little walk. go somewhere quiet for awhile?" Stiles asks. "Lead the way Stilinski." I respond.

"You must be cold, I'm cold just looking at you. Here take my jacket." Stiles offers putting it around my shoulders. "You're too sweet but, I don't get cold. The perks of being dead. I'm not gonna give it back though." I state pulling my arms through the sleeves. "You're a terrible person." Stiles jokes. "I know it keeps me up at night." I recite Stiles' response to Danny. Once we get to the lacrosse field I see Peter attacking Lydia. Lydia's body hits the ground and it is extremely bloody.

I run over to her body and the hunger almost takes control. Peter is having a conversation with Stiles but I'm too busy battling my bloodlust to do anything about it. Come on concentrate, this is Lydia, you have to heal her. I bite my wrist and force the blood into her mouth. "Why isn't it working?" I question. Peter looks surprised that she's not healing either. I force myself from her body and grab onto Stiles' hand. "No, I'm not just letting you leave her here." I say. "You don't have a choice. I need your boyfriend and if you stay here mcuh long it won't be the bite that kills your friend. You're coming with me." Peter demands. "Why would we do that?" I question. "Because you won't have a choice." Peter states jamming a needle into my neck, vervain. I try to fight it but I can't Stiles' face is the last thing I see before everything goes black.

I wake up groggy in the back of Stiles Jeep. I can't move just yet, but I can focus my hearing. "So you're not gonna kill me?" Stiles questions. "Okay, why don't you understand yet? I'm not the bad guy here." Peter says. "You turn into a giant monster with red eyes and fangs, and you're not the bad guy here?" Stiles scoffs. "Your girlfriend over there does the same, minus the alpha eyes. To be honest, hers are scarier. I like you Stiles. Since you've helped me, I'm going to give you something in return. Do you want to bite?" Peter asks. "What?" Stiles questions. "Do you want the bite? If it doesn't kill you, and it could, you'll become like us." Peter explains. I fight like hell to push myself up. "Like you?" Stiles asks. "Yes a werewolf. Would you like me to draw you a picture? The first night in the woods, I took Scott because I needed a pack. It could've easily been you. You'd be every bit as powerful as him, maybe even more. No more having your girlfriend protect you. Yes or no?" Peter questions.

I get out of the car just in time to see Stiles yank his hand from Peter's grasp. "I don't want to be like you." Stiles says. "Do you know what I just heard then? Your heart beating faster over the words 'I don't want' You may believe you are telling me the truth, but you are lying to yourself. Goodbye Stiles." Peter states. He leaves and then Stiles spots me on the ground. "Are you okay?" Stiles questions. "Yeah I'm fine. I was just supernaturally tranquilized it will take awhile to wear off. I'm proud of you. You don't need to change for anyone. You are my perfect Stiles Stilinski, the boy I love." I assure. "Yeah and Stiles Stilinski the boy who couldn't protect you." Stiles says. "I got hurt so what? I heal it doesn't matter." I state. "It matters to me. Even if it's temporary, it physically pains me to see you hurt. I would never survive without you." Stiles confesses.

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