Moving in?

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"Dammit, who can be awake at such an early hour? Wait I live alone! Even Xander lives in the mansion. Oh my god an intruder! If I yell will Xander come and help? But his dream is to see me gone... do I have to call the police." I sacredly hushed to myself

I was freaking out. It was only 5: 45am and I was hearing noises coming from the living room. I was shocked, paralyzed and petrified. What should I do? My room is still dark and the sun didn't come out yet. How will an intruder pass by the guards without them noticing him? I needed to save myself.

I grab my robe and tightened it around my waist. I was shaking of fear. My heart beats were loud. I could feel the latter jumping in my throat. Will I die? Who will teach my class? With small silent steps I faced the door of my room and silently prayed as my trembling hand reached the knob turning it ever so slowly.

The tension and fear suddenly disappeared as I processed the scene in front of me. This sight wasn't what I expected. I felt a deep sigh and breath escape my lips but now I was filled with anger, rage and fume. How dare he?

There he was just in his pajama trousers pulling a huge suitcase behind him. His abs were flexed and his six packs looked amazing. Xander does really deserve to be a Kevin Kline model. He looks exactly like Marlon Teixeira but with green mischievous eyes. I guess perfection does exist and it is called Xander King. What the hell am I thinking? Focus Ella you need to be furious! He just gave you a heart attack! He always makes fun of you. His talent is to humiliate you! Never ever praise him again. Never! (image below :D just imagine him with green eyes :p )

"Xander!" I yelled at him with all the anger that I can master

"Ella" he replied without a care in the world. How can a man be so selfish, conceited and arrogant?

"You stupid bastard! You gave me a heart attack I thought that you were a thief" I continued to yell as he moved forward to my direction...what was he doing here?

"I have a dare to win so I needed to drop my clothes here. And no intruder can get through my security." He said while stopping and studying my features. That's when I started to regret choosing a short nightgown and robe. They barely reached the middle of my thighs. I wanted to run away and hide from his gaze. His eyes kept on moving up and down and I knew that a smart remark was being planned.

"Black lace nightgowns...nice!" he said with a forming smirk and that's when I blushed! This bastard made me blush! Dammit, Ella!

"What i wear is none of your business! And you don't get to live here." I yelled as I tightened my robe more.

"Yes, I go get to for a month. And you have no right to throw me out. I own this place and I have to prove that I am not a rich spoiled man!" he explained with a confident face.

"But you are a rich, spoiled, ungrateful kid" I fired back because it was the truth.

"We will see about that" he said as he stopped right in front of me smirking

"Where do you think you are going with that?" I said pointing at his suitcase.

"To what is now our room" he said with a playful devious smirk.

At that moment all I could hear was "our room" is he that stupid? Does he believe that I will let him sleep on my bed? Is he doing this to tease me? I am fed up with such person! I am tired and in need for a divorce!

"we are going to have a lot of fun, for a month" he whispered in my ear leaning really close to body and I felt heat radiating from him and at the same time chills bursting all over my body. My eyes traveled to his well sculpture abs and I heard him chuckle. And when I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves all I could register was his scent; so fresh, so minty. My mouth watered at it! Dear god what is happening to me? Why am I seeing this beast of a man as a Greek god?

Xander noticed my stiffness and surprise. So he backed away and continued his way toward my, our room? I needed a moment to breathe to regain my power, sanity and anger! I need to throw his sorry ass out of here. I entered my room after him swearing for vengeance.

" Didn't you have company back at your mansion? Go back to her!" I yelled furiously.

"I threw her out early." He now said opening his suitcase and taking the cloths out placing them on my bed

"Such a jerk! Just go find another one! leave already!" I fired back walking to him and grabbing some of his clothes back in the suitcase.

Xander didn't reply he stubbornly placed things on my bed as I placed them back in his suitcase. This silly childish act continued for about five minutes and without a warning my hands were encaged in bigger warmer hands. His actions took me by surprise again and as I looked at Xander our eyes met silently, Green meeting black, Shock meeting stubbornness. I wanted to look away but I couldn't I was hypnotized by his gaze.

"Baby if you want to see and touch my trunks and briefs so much you could have just asked" Xander said playfully cutting the short sweet moment of silence that we shared.

"Shut up Xander! I just don't want you to be here." I yelled feeling angry ashamed and a bit shy?

"Well sorry babe but I will be here for a month! But if there is anything I can do to make you comfortable around me just tell me" he said winking and I tried my best to control the unwanted blush that is creeping on my cheeks.

"Let go of my hands! And if I can't throw you out of here I will give you a set of rules to live by." I said feeling his grip loosen around my hands

"sure princess, shoot" he said nodding and completing to organize his clothes

"First no mistresses here; you can enjoy their company at your castle then come and sleep here. Second, you are not sleeping in my bed. You can take the sofa in the living room. Three, you need to keep the place organized and tidy or else you know you way out and lastly do not interact with me. I will keep on cooking for you and that's it." I explained and to my surprise he didn't throw a tantrum at me

"Such an uptight wife I have! You are no fun, princess" he whined like a kid.

"Get used to that and never call me princess again" I said making my way out to go and prepare breakfast for both of us.

"Don't forget that we are meeting my friends today at 8pm." He yelled and I just nodded and ignored his husky voice walking away.

What is happening to you Ella?! It is all because of him...I hate him!

I hate him!

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