Chapter 42 Expect The Unexpected

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Lucifer Zades P.O.V

All of their heads snapped toward me, eyes filled with confusion and questions. My father-in-law furrowed his brow, clearly demanding an explanation for the chaos unfolding.

Why in the world would she want to kill me?

What the hell did I do?

I remained rooted to the spot, a solid statue amidst the brewing storm. Silence hung in the air, thickening with each passing second. Unable to glean any answers from me, my father-in-law subtly signaled to his beta and delta, a clear directive to capture her.

Naked as the day they were born, they yanked her up, showing no regard for their own exposure. Meanwhile, my mind raced with unanswered questions and a rising sense of dread.

Zachary Lawson P.O.V

Descending into the foreboding pack house basement, we led Lilith, the mysterious SheWolf, shackled in silver chains, for a deeper interrogation. Taking a moment to dress, Octavius and I joined the alpha, the air thick with tension.

Lilith's pained hisses echoed as the chains drained her strength, and her wounds healed agonizingly slow. The alpha, a formidable presence, faced her with a stern expression, demanding to know her pack.

"So, which pack do you come from?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow. Lilith remained defiantly silent, focusing solely on the searing pain inflicted by the silver restraints.

"I asked you a question, I demand answers!" he snarled, met with Lilith's intense glare and growls of pure hatred.

Amidst the dark circumstances, I couldn't help but appreciate her tenacity. Lilith's determination held strong as she obstinately refused to reveal anything.

The alpha's nod to Octavius signaled an ominous turn. Chains tightened, forcing Lilith to her knees. A bottle of aconite, its sapphire blue hue giving an eerie beauty to the brutality, poured onto her wounds.

"Stop! Please!" Lilith begged as the aconite burned her already wounded skin.

"Keep pouring until she surrenders," our alpha ordered. Octavius hesitated before obeying his command. In seconds, Lilith screamed out as more of the blue liquid burned her already wounded area.

"Stop! I'll tell you!" she finally surrendered. Octavius halted the torment, revealing an unexpected soft spot for women.

Lilith, weakened and tearful, dropped a bombshell: "I-I came from no p-pack," she stammered, shaking her head, tears filling her eyes.

We exchanged confused glances. No pack? How could someone live without a pack for such a long time? Was a rogue life even possible?

"If you came from no pack, why kill the black wolf you saw in the woods?" the alpha asked, bewildered.

"L-lucifer, h-he h-he," Lilith struggled.

"He's d-death g-gives me f-freedom," she managed to reveal, leaving us utterly perplexed. Before the alpha could ask further questions, the metal door creaked open, revealing my little sister Zoe.

A growl escaped me as I swiftly linked her, instructing her to stay away from this perilous situation. Zoe's fear-laden eyes locked onto Lilith's bruised form, injecting an unexpected dose of tension into the already charged atmosphere.

"A-alpha Nathaniel, Alpha Z-Zades is here," she stammered, her eyes wide with urgency.


This was so not the time for visitors. I groaned inwardly, the situation already a tangled mess.

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