Chapter 3 Burning Bonds

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Valentine Winters P.O.V

He continued smirking with a black-hearted malice, his eyes fixed on me like a predator reveling in the vulnerability of its prey.

A sudden series of knocks echoed through his room. "What?" My mate roared in response.

"There's a whole werewolf search party scouring the area for her," a male voice informed from behind the closed doors.

"That's enthralling. It seems she's far more valuable than I surmised. Inform my father right away!" he ordered, his tone betraying a hint of satisfaction.

He turned his attention back to me. "What is your rank in the pack?" he interrogated.

I stubbornly refused to answer, lips sealed in defiance.

"I asked you a question," he stated calmly, but the underlying threat in his tone was unmistakable. Still, I kept my silence.

Frustration boiled within him, and he resorted to pulling roughly on my hair, forcing me to meet his gaze. The threat was explicit – lie, and no one in my family would be spared.

"I'm the Alpha's youngest daughter," I finally admitted, my words barely above a hushed tone, but he heard them loud and clear.

"You're an extravagant cost. I'm a fortunate man, while you're an ill-fated girl," he taunted, mockingly pouting before erupting into laughter.

My heart sank at the realization that my father had mobilized a search party for me. Their lives were in jeopardy because of my predicament. Tears glistened in my eyes, on the verge of spilling.

"Don't wail, pet. They'll die right after you see them, right in front of your eyes," he cooed, his words laden with a sadistic promise that sent a chill down my spine. The stakes had been raised, and the fragile thread that held my hope for a reunion with my family threatened to snap under the weight of impending tragedy.

"Nooooo!" I howled, straining to break free, but the silver chains drained my energy, leaving me helplessly bound.

"Yessssss!" he mocked, finding amusement in my plight. Did he really think this was a game?

"You suck!" I cursed at him, my rage simmering.

"Nah, babe, I swallow. You're the one that'll suck here," he retorted with a smirk, his words laden with crude innuendo that made me scrunch up my face in disapproval.

"I hate you," I mumbled, my words laced with frustration.

"The feeling's mutual," he spat back, his eyes glaring at me with unadulterated hatred, making me cringe.

What had I done to earn such loathing from him? His honest expression of hate felt like hot needles piercing my heart.

"I'll be unfastening your chains now, behave yourself. There's no escape from here, so don't bother testing. Now, take a shower because you stink and reek just like a wet dog you are," he said, his discriminatory words adding to my humiliation.

I nodded in reluctant compliance.

His room was filled with security cameras, leaving no room for escape.

"Clothes and a towel are placed in the sink. Better be swift; hopefully, you'll smell pleasant by then," he remarked, unlocking the chains, and pushing me toward the shower.

I quickly locked the door and surveyed the room for any possible escape route. Unfortunately, there was none except for a small window that wouldn't accommodate my head, let alone my entire body.

I stripped hastily and leaped into the hot shower. Scrubbing vigorously with an apple-scented soap, I washed away the feeling of captivity. I soaked my hair, depositing a generous amount of shampoo, hoping the scent would linger.

Turning off the shower, I wrapped myself in a fluffy white towel. Womanly undergarments – a simple blue shirt and white shorts – lay in the sink. The shorts, ridiculously short for my liking, barely reached the curve of my butt. I tugged at them in vain, silently cursing my generous curves.

I unlocked the bathroom, and the brisk air-conditioned air assaulted my damp skin, causing me to shiver. My teeth chattered from the bitter cold as I navigated this bizarre and unwelcome reality.

"Unduly frigid for the bitch, how unfortunate," he remarked, his gaze piercing through me as I quivered in the bitter cold of the room.

Glaring at him, I tried to steady myself from the biting chill. "Now, come closer," he ordered from where he sat on the edge of his bed.

Reluctantly, I approached him, awaiting the next command.

"Swivel a little for me," he instructed with a smirk.

I sighed in annoyance, twirling slightly before fixing my gaze on him. He couldn't resist the opportunity to make a crude remark. "Nice ass."

My jaw dropped, and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I averted my eyes, trying to conceal the blush threatening to surface.

"You know, I just complimented you, and not even a 'thanks'?" he teased.

I shot him a black look. "Don't glare too much, honey. Don't want your eyes popping out of your face now, do we?" he remarked, and I scowled in response.

"You'll be dozing on the floor right here with no pillows or blankets. Don't protest," he declared, pointing to the spot where I stood. The tiles, too, radiated a bone-chilling coldness, but all I could do was nod in reluctant agreement.

I crouched and sat down, crossing my legs Indian style, feeling the cold tiles against the bare skin of my thighs, causing shivers and goosebumps. I gulped, rubbing my palms together for warmth and placing them on each side of my cheeks, but the meager heat I generated wasn't enough.

My mate had already fallen asleep, cocooned in thick blankets. Carefully, I lowered myself onto the frigid floor, feeling the cold tiles against my arms, sides, and finally, my face.

My mate clapped his hands twice, and the lights went off. Turning to face away from him, I closed my eyes, attempting to drift into sleep. The cruel temperature, however, proved an insurmountable obstacle.

Minutes passed, yet sleep eluded me. My teeth continued to chatter loudly, a testament to the unforgiving cold. Shivering and struggling to stay awake, the paradox of feeling both sleepy and unable to open my eyes added to my torment.

I wrapped my arms around my knees, assuming a fetal position, desperately trying to generate warmth within myself, taking deep breaths and exhaling in a futile attempt to find solace.

Lucifer Argent's P.O.V

Sleep eluded me as I lay there, surrounded by the echoing sounds of her teeth rattling, inhaling, and exhaling. A part of me wanted to scream at her to be silent, to break the unnerving symphony, but a deeper instinct recognized that her shivering was a defense against the biting cold.

The air-conditioner hummed relentlessly, its automatic cycle beyond my control. Strangely, an inexplicable urge to provide her with warmth, to make her feel secure, surged within me. It was a response I couldn't suppress.

Simultaneously, I found myself yearning to be with her, to touch and feel her against me. Succumbing to this irresistible impulse, I slid down from the bed and lay beside her, placing my blanket over both of us. My right arm enveloped her waist, pulling her close. As our bodies touched, a cascade of sparks coursed through me, a sensation so pleasurable that it made me sigh in ecstasy.

Her head found a place on my chest, her body fitting perfectly against mine. She emitted a mouth-watering fragrance that added to the intoxicating closeness. To provide her with more warmth, I placed one of my legs over hers, transferring the heat radiating from my body to hers.

Gradually, the shivering ceased, and the teeth stopped their rhythmic vibrations. She sighed softly, and I felt her breathing steadily. She had found solace in sleep. Propping my head down on her hair, inhaling the soothing scent, I drifted into a peaceful, contented sleep – the best I had experienced in years. The unexpected intimacy and connection between us seemed to transcend the chilling reality we were trapped in.




- Valentine Winters.

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