Chapter 31 Who Did You Call

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Valentine Winters P.O.V

His eyes flickered between blue and black, a tumultuous storm within. The anticipation hung thick in the air, a desire that teetered on the edge of restraint. In that precarious moment, a bell rang, jolting Lucifer out of his yearning trance.

Growling lowly in annoyance, he stomped towards the door, irritation etched on his face. A timid voice apologized for the interruption, explaining it was for the luggages. Lucifer, visibly frustrated, allowed the staff to complete their task before closing the door.

Seated on the bed, Lucifer exhaled, running a hand through his hair. I stood there, feeling like a fool, words trapped in the cage of my fear.

"Sit down," he commanded, and I obliged, eyes fixated on the floor. His touch cupped my jaw, gently turning my gaze towards him.

"I'm exhausted, Val. Change into some night clothes and sleep beside me. Can you do that?" he groaned.

A nod was all I managed in response.

Searching through the bags, I found silk pyjamas—a sleeveless shirt and shorts. A hesitant sigh escaped me as I entered the attached washroom to change.

Emerging in the silk ensemble, I found Lucifer in his boxers, shirt discarded. He motioned for me to join him on the bed. Tentatively, I climbed over and lay down with my head on the pillow, placing as much distance between us as possible. The room held an uneasy tension, shadows cast by the dim light, as we both surrendered to the silence of the night.

An arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to Lucifer's chest. His warm breath caressed my ears as he whispered, "I want you as close to me as possible, Val. Never try to be away from me," growling out the last part.

I swallowed hard, closing my eyes and succumbing to the embrace, allowing sleep to claim me.

Dreams unfolded.

A wolf's howl echoed.

Bloodstained claws.

The cacophony of war.


I woke up gasping, turning to see his peaceful sleeping face, an immediate calm washing over me.

Just a nightmare.

Just a nightmare.

Just a nightmare.

I repeated the reassurance to myself.

Glancing at the phone on the table, an urge surged through me to call my dad, to let him know I was safe and where I was.

My gaze shifted between Lucifer's sleeping form and the phone.

What should I do?

To call or not?

Would he find out?

Would he be angry?

Thoughts swirled, and I decided to take the chance.

Hopefully, he remains asleep.

Slowly, I eased Lucifer's arms away, carefully placing them on the bed. He stirred slightly but resumed soft snoring.

Silently, I slid off the bed, sitting on the floor. Cradling the phone in my hands, I dialed the number, bringing it to my ear with trembling hands.

My heart raced.




'The person you're calling is currently busy,' the robotic voice taunted, leaving me hanging on the precipice of disappointment. Another attempt.




"Hello." My father's voice, a lifeline in the electronic abyss, burst through the speaker. Joy surged through me, almost spilling over into tears.

"Anyone there?" he questioned.

"Dad?" I whispered.

A pregnant pause followed, his breath filling the void.

"Valentine, Is that you?" he pressed.

Tears gathered at the edges of my eyes.

"Yes," I sobbed.

"Where are you? Has he hurt you? I'll pick you right up. Where are you right now?" His rapid-fire questions reflected genuine concern.

"I-I'm I-in a hotel," I stammered, eyes flicking anxiously to the bed, ensuring Lucifer remained oblivious in slumber.

"A hotel. What is the name of it?" he demanded.

I didn't know.

Scanning the room, my eyes landed on a tissue box. Grabbing it, I searched for the hotel's name.

"It's Auburn Legacy Hotel," I replied.

"I'm coming," he declared.

"No, don't, Dad," I whispered.

"Don't come," I pleaded.

"That's final," he cut in, and the line went silent.

Returning the phone to the table, I stood up. As I turned around, Lucifer's displeased expression met my widened eyes.

The tension in the room crackled.

"Who did you call?" he demanded; arms crossed over his chest.

Sorry for the wait guys. ;)




-Valentine Winters

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