Chapter 43 Moonlit Deceit

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Gabriel Zades P.O.V

"Mate," we both uttered in unison as we stood up, the revelation hanging heavily in the air.

My father, mother, and Alpha Nathaniel rushed over to us in their wolf forms. Lucifer was just behind me, emitting a low, deadly growl as I shielded the naked form of my mate from their view.

I observed my dad and Alpha Nathaniel donning pants, while my mom wore my dad's shirt. Alpha Nathaniel tossed me a pair of pants and a shirt, and I quickly dressed before handing the shirt to my mate to cover herself. She would only be mine to see.

Tension thickened as everyone grappled with the unexpected turn of events. Although my mate was covered until her mid-thighs, I wasn't satisfied. I positioned myself possessively in front of her, asserting my claim.

"She no longer will be a rogue," I declared, making it clear she would have an immediate place in my pack and eventually become my Luna.

"But son, you don't even know if she's trustworthy," my dad reasoned.

"She is," I asserted, the conviction evident in my tone.


"She'll live with me from now on," I concluded.

"No, I won't," a voice from behind me objected.

Her angelic voice resonated like music, but her words disrupted the harmony. I turned to face her, unyielding in my stance.

"You will," I asserted, indifferent to her decision. She was mine, and that was the end of the story.

"I have my priorities to finish first," she retorted, her gaze shifting to Lucifer in a menacing and cunning manner.

I looked at Lucifer, raising an eyebrow to express my confusion. He sighed, answering the unspoken question in my mind.

"She wants me dead," he revealed. I widened my eyes and knitted my eyebrows in bewilderment.

"Why?" I demanded, intrigued by the layers of complexity unfolding in this unexpected reunion.

She remained tight-lipped, keeping her secrets guarded.

"She claims his death gives her freedom," Alpha Nathaniel interjected, offering an insight that caught my parents' attention.

"You will not do such a thing," my dad growled at her, his authority echoing in the room. She, in return, growled back at him without a hint of fear.

Why was she doing this?

"Stop that," I hissed at her. How dare she growl at my dad? Despite her being my mate, my father still deserved respect.

"Name?" I demanded, but she adamantly refused to answer. A glance at Alpha Nathaniel provided the information I sought.

"Lilith," Lucifer said.

"Lilith, why are you doing this?" I tried to extract answers from her, but she remained silent, prompting frustration to bubble within me. Why was she being so stubborn? I ran my fingers through my hair in exasperation, grappling with her perplexing and nonsensical attitude.

"Honey," my mom said, approaching me and holding onto my right arm.

"Cool down; she's just a girl," she tried to soothe me.

"A stubborn one," I retorted, meeting her glare with my own. Who did she think she was, the only one entitled to glare?

"We should bring her back to the pack house," Alpha Nathaniel suggested, or rather, stated.

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