Chapter 44 Playing Scissors

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Gabriel Zades P.O.V

I sighed, running my fingers through wet blonde hair, seeking solace in the steamy aftermath of a hot shower that attempted to wash away the thick tensions enveloping my existence lately.

Here I was, a reluctant guest in Alpha Nathaniel's pack, finding refuge in Lucifer's room. The unexpected twist occurred when Lucifer himself nonchalantly offered to share the space, leaving me bewildered. Was this a newfound sense of camaraderie, or merely a fleeting gesture from someone known for their indifference? Does his sharing equate to caring? The answer eluded me, as Lucifer was infamous for his apathy towards others.

Despite my aversion to familial displays, I found myself more preoccupied with the unconscious figure in the pack's medical room – my mate. As I descended the stairs, my father and Lucifer were conspicuously absent, raising concerns about potential bonding moments between the two.

Entering the medical room, the scent of her lingered, a captivating aroma that defied the disheveled state she lay in. Dirt-covered and resembling a survivor of a natural disaster, she gazed at me, unperturbed. Amidst the chaos, her eyes stood out, the deepest shade of black.

"Hi Lilith," I greeted, attempting to bridge the gap between us, acknowledging her resilience despite the external turmoil. The situation demanded intrigue, as emotions, alliances, and the unspoken lingered in the air, creating a narrative more complex than the layers of dirt concealing her undeniable beauty.

Lilith Ra P.O.V

"Hi Lilith," he greeted, his voice husky, sending strange shivers down my spine as my name rolled off his tongue. Whether he sensed my reaction or merely observed it, a smirk played on his beautifully pink lips, adding an intriguing layer to the encounter.

"I don't know your name," I confessed, realizing I hadn't bothered to ask amidst the chaos. His frame inched closer, a magnetic pull drawing him nearer to me.

"It's Gabriel," he answered, and as I tested his name on my tongue, his smirk widened unknowingly.

"Gabriel?" I asked, unable to suppress my curiosity. His smirk vanished in seconds.

"Isn't that a girl's name?" I couldn't help but blurt out. His response was immediate, a scowl crossing his features as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"No, it's my name. How does the name Blake sound to you?" he retorted, his annoyance palpable.

"It's a guy's name, naturally," I replied matter-of-factly, raising an eyebrow.

"Blake Lively is the name of a girl," he countered, leaving me momentarily speechless.

"Whatever," I dismissed, ready to leave. But before I could, I found myself back on the bed, held effortlessly by Gabriel, who seemed to carry me as if I weighed as light as a feather.

"Why can't you just let me go?" I sighed, exhausted from the ongoing conflict.

"Isn't it obvious?" a familiar voice, one I loathed, chimed in from behind me. My eyes caught sight of scissors, and without a second thought, I grabbed them and hurled them at the source of the voice. To my surprise, Gabriel's identical counterpart, Lucifer, caught them effortlessly, turning the scissors back towards me.

With a bored expression, he tossed them back, landing between my thighs, causing my heart to race. Gabriel swiftly took control of the situation, throwing the scissors at the wall, shattering them into pieces.

"Job well done," Lucifer praised, eyeing the broken remnants. The abrupt turn in the conversation left me bewildered.

"Got any information from her?" Lucifer questioned, and I looked at Gabriel, realization dawning that their sudden appearance might have ulterior motives. Gabriel's silence and tension between the two hinted at a shared plot against me.

"I think she should spend the night in the cells," Lucifer suggested, a sly edge to his voice. However, Gabriel's response was immediate, a low growl escaping his throat.

"No, she won't be."

"She's dangerous," Lucifer argued, attempting to sway the decision.

"Only to you," Gabriel retorted, the tension between them palpable.

"You don't understand," Lucifer insisted.

"You do? I know it's entertaining for you to watch our species in cages, but not for me," Gabriel declared, his words carrying a weight of experience and disdain.

"I'm one of you now!" Lucifer screeched, a claim met with a cynical response.

"Half, and you'd always be the half of everything," Gabriel shot back, leaving Lucifer taken aback and hurt, a revelation lingering in the air.

As Lucifer stormed out, slamming the door behind him, Gabriel's regret briefly flickered in his eyes before he concealed it with practiced ease. It dawned on me; he had stood up for me.

"Now, you need to be obedient," he stated, bringing his face down to my eye level, a commanding aura surrounding him.

"That starts with a shower," he finished, his tone carrying a mixture of authority and something else, a complexity that left me both intrigued and apprehensive about what lay ahead.

Lucifer Zades P.O.V

I couldn't believe the words that slipped out of his mouth. It stung like a thousand cuts, and I grappled with the pain, urging myself to stay guarded. Keep your guard up, Lucifer. Never trust anyone. Those were the mantras I repeated in my mind, like a desperate attempt to shield myself from the overwhelming emotions.

I had no choice but to spill everything to the man who had, knowingly or unknowingly, ruined my life. He wanted a father-son relationship now, after seventeen years. But his son, Gabriel, had made it abundantly clear – too late.

As my eighteenth birthday loomed, I felt a sense of impending reckoning. The atmosphere crackled with tension, amplified by the threat Kyle posed. He wasn't just out to get me; he aimed to dismantle the entire pack, igniting a potential war between clans. I couldn't fathom turning against friends, and Kyle's envy and attention-seeking motives fueled his destructive path.

In the midst of chaos, I yearned for a moment of peace with Valentine. I needed her like a lifeline, a release for the stress gnawing at me. Knowing Zachary's presence was no longer a barrier, I slipped into her room.

Valentine lay there, peacefully asleep, a beacon of tranquility in the storm. Shedding the weight of my troubles, I joined her under the blankets. I wrapped my arm around her waist, seeking warmth and comfort. As her eyes met mine, she stirred and bestowed a gentle, lingering kiss.

Her love was a balm to my wounded soul, prompting a rare smile. In that moment, she was my refuge, a reminder that amidst chaos, there existed solace in her embrace. As she settled back into sleep, I tightened my grip, finding reassurance in our connection.

With a kiss on her temple, I surrendered to the embrace of sleep, knowing that, in her, I found my anchor. A whispered promise lingered in the quiet of the night – I'd protect her, ensuring the shadows of my past never cast darkness on our shared future.




- Valentine Winters

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