Chapter 2 Unraveling Souls

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Valentine Winters P.O.V

I woke up as I felt icy, bitterly cold water being splashed on me, making me shiver and my lips quiver. I found myself bound to a chair, the chains that held me were made of silver – a material that sent shivers down my spine, leaving me feeling strangely frail. My once graceful dress was now a misshapen remnant, ripped until it barely reached my knees.

As I scanned my surroundings, two men regarded me with an unyielding gaze, arms crossed over their chests, expressions carved from stone. It seemed like these men had never experienced joy, their faces eternally etched with despondency. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for them, dubbing them 'fell face' and 'sad face' in my mind.

Fell face noticed my consciousness returning and smirked. "She's awake, let's take her to the master," he declared, signaling the commencement of their unsettling plan.

They conveyed me, restrained and helpless in the chair, as I futilely attempted to squirm my way to freedom. "Let me go!" I pleaded, my voice echoing in the desolate space. "Where are you taking me?" My questions fell on deaf ears as they continued to carry me towards an uncertain destination.

Eventually, they halted in front of a colossal door, adorned with a small screen requiring a passcode for entry. Sad face placed his thumb and eyes on the biometric sensors, reminiscent of something out of Charlie's Angels. The screen emitted a green light, and the door unlocked with an affirmative sign.

Beyond the door was an expansive office, equipped with five internet televisions and an astonishing array of cameras. The room exuded an overwhelming sense of authority. Fell face and sad face set me down, adopting military-like stances with hands behind their backs and legs apart.

My eyes wandered to the wall, adorned with merciless paintings depicting the slaughter of wolves. Not just any wolves, but werewolves. A cringe rippled through me at the gruesome sight, and I shifted my gaze to the focal point of the room – a massive red desk, behind which sat a man in a grand black chair, one leg casually crossed over the other."

A full-blown, satisfied grin adorned his face, as if he had just achieved a monumental feat or stumbled upon a million dollars in the blink of an eye. He looked to be in his forties, with salt and pepper hair that hinted at perhaps a penchant for too much black tea.

"It's rare catching a female wolf, first time seeing one," he remarked with a smirk that seemed to linger on his lips like a sinister secret.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows together in a display of defiance.

"Death," he uttered casually, his words sending a shiver down my spine. I glared at him, but he appeared utterly unfazed.

"What do you want us to do with her, sir?" Fell face inquired, a stark contrast to the tension in the room.

"Bring her to my room where I can keep an eye on her," a voice interrupted from my left, sending a new set of chills down my spine. I turned to see a strikingly handsome man, draped in a black leather jacket with a white shirt that hinted at a few buttons left undone, revealing his well-defined chest and eight unmistakable packs beneath his shirt. His black jeans clung to his frame, emphasizing his imposing 6'5 stature. His features were a symphony of handsomeness – icy blue eyes, a straight nose, full pink lips, a strong jaw, dark black hair, and tan skin.

He looked to be around twenty or twenty-one, an embodiment of danger that made it hard to tear my eyes away. Something about him screamed peril, and despite my better judgment, I found him irresistible.

His gaze met mine, and in that moment, my wolf howled, uttering the dreaded word I had been avoiding but couldn't escape now – "Mate!" I gasped, terror coursing through me. Who were these people, and why did this enigmatic man have to be my mate?

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