Chapter 48 Biological Argent Son

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Recap :

"Shift!" They ordered and all of us transformed into our wolves as our clothes shredded in pieces along the transformation process.

"My, my." We heard a voice up front as all of them stood right in front of us.


He had a permanent smirk playing on his face. I let out a low deadly growl. I must make sure today will be the last day he'd ever see light.

Valentine Winters P.O.V

I kept banging on my wooden room door to make him open but I could feel his presence retreat away from the door before he had joined in for the unexpected war we are having right in this very ultimate second.

How could he do this to me ? I'll be future Luna for this pack, that means I should be on the first row to protect my pack.

Oh god what would I do ?

I twirled on the doorknob for the hundredth time but it was no use. I placed my back on the wooden door before sliding down letting hot fresh tears to run freely down my cheeks knowing I was useless.

My dad, my mom and my mate fighting outside while I lay here helpless praying they wouldn't get hurt or welcome their death. I won't be able to bear the pain of losing any one of them.

I cried hysterically as more possibility of them dying worked up in my brains.


I'm not gonna cry, I need to get myself out there.

I wiped my tears furiously and stood up from my bed looking around my room for anything.

How could I have forgotten about my window. I wiped my tears with the back of my right hand as I quickly made my way towards the window before pushing it open wide to the extent limit.

I looked down onto the ground below me, I was just on the second floor. It wouldn't hurt that much right ?

I thought about for a second or two.

No, I can't sit this one out. I took a couple of steps back readying myself.

Okay Valentine, it's now or never.

I ran towards the window before jumping out and transformed into my golden coloured wolf with hazel brown eyes midway.

I rolled onto the brown muddy ground before slamming into the tree making me groan out in pain. I stood up on all four of my paws and ran towards where the war had begun.

Lucifer Zades P.O.V

He pulled out Lilith from behind him having a tight painful grip on her wrist. "Ever wonder how I found you mongrels ?" He asked chuckling making all of us growl of the insult.

"This little puppy." He stated as he pointed towards Lilith while Gabriel growled baring his canines before continuing "Help us find you." He finished and made Gabriel stopped his growling.

I knew she was trouble.

Gabriel had a betrayed emotion showing in his eyes as he looked at Lilith while she cried shaking her head looking at him.

I saw my non-biological dad standing behind him with a stern expression as he observed all of us.

"Well first things first, where's our dearly beloved Lucifer ?" He questioned.

Dearly beloved eh ? I cringed.

None of us moved.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Are we seriously gonna play this game ?" He asked with a smirk latched onto his lips.

That's when my non-biological dad with a couple of members dragged a golden coloured half conscious wolf in front of us as it struggled weakly to set itself free.

What's with that wolf ?

He thinks that may infuriate me ?

The wolf inside my head was keep growling as he tried to surface. What's with him ?

"If you don't show yourself, this dog is gonna die."

The golden wolf whimpered as it then looked straight into my eyes. My sapphire blue ones locking into its hazel eyes, on that moment I knew it was her.

The wolf growling in my head made sense. How the hell did she escape ? I internally groaned overwhelmed with the feeling that was coursing through me like wildfire.

What the fuck ?

I stepped forward growling viciously.

How did she escape? I locked her.

They must have drugged her.

Kyle looked at me curiously "Question answered." He said before taking out a gun and pointing right on my forehead.

Valentine whimpered as Kyle clicked the gun so it was ready to just pull the trigger and the bullet to sweep right through my head.

"What are you doing Kyle ?" My non-biological dad asked knitting his eyebrows in confusion.

"What I should've done a long time ago." He answered.

"Stop it right now, destroy this pack but not him." He snarled.

"No, he took away my title. I am your son not him, he took everything away from me!" He shouted.

What ?

Kyle was his son ?

What's the hell is happening ?

He looked at his dad. "You just had to love him more didn't you? Look whose side his on now!" He screeched angrily.

Oookayyy? DUNN DUNN DUNNNNN. I'm sorry for the late update guys! More focusing on studies and I was having continues Deepavali celebration for four days and do all the eleven type of cookies and cakes and I would have to say sadly I won't be updating for this whole month definitely since 7th till the 30th of November because I will be having the most important exam that would be determining my future!

But I will be finishing this book on December! That's the happy news! And if you guys want a Book 2! I will take count of how many would want it and voting for it!

I love you all!




- Valentine Winters

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