Chapter 24 What Have I Done

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Lucifer Argent P.O.V

When I opened my eyes, I saw her, tightly squeezing her eyes shut in fear, her entire frame trembling. It was a tangible fear, a stark reminder of the impact my presence had on her. She breathed in and out slowly, a conscious effort to calm herself in the wake of the unknown.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," I gritted through clenched teeth, the words a promise as I tried to bridge the gap between us.

Briskly, I walked into my closet, adorned myself in my clothes, and stood before her once more. She cautiously opened her eyes, her gaze meeting mine.

Suddenly, a mouth-watering and intoxicating scent filled the air, a fragrance that made me instinctively breathe it in, my eyes closing in response to the overwhelming aroma. Confusion seized me – where was this captivating scent coming from?

"Our mate," my wolf purred within me, a revelation that defied all reason. People didn't emanate such enticing scents, and yet, here she was, the source of this inexplicable allure.

I felt different, transformed in ways that transcended the physical. My senses heightened – sharper vision, a heightened sense of smell, an acute awareness of every sound. I could even discern the rapid thud of Valentine's heart, echoing in the room.

Turning my attention back to her, I tried to approach, but she instinctively recoiled, desperately attempting to put more distance between us. A surge of frustration bubbled within me.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, trust me," I growled, the words a plea, a desperate attempt to convey the sincerity behind them.

Valentine Winters P.O.V

How could I trust a man who claimed he wouldn't hurt me, when he had orchestrated a symphony of pain in my life?

He had tried to rape me.

He marked my stomach with a silver blade, leaving burns that were both a physical and perpetual reminder.

He slapped me.

He threw me into a silver cage, exposing me to a rogue wolf that nearly ended my existence.

The memory of the rogue wolf sent shivers down my spine, a haunting echo of the danger that lurked in this unpredictable world.

Lost in the labyrinth of my thoughts, I hadn't realized that Lucifer's face was just inches away from mine, his eyes boring into mine with an intensity that sent a chill down my spine.

"Please, I can't take much," I pleaded, my voice a desperate whisper, a plea for mercy that seemed to hang in the air, unheard.

He lifted his hand to touch my cheek, and instinctively, I tried to pull away. But he cupped my jaw, locking my face in place. His fingers brushed over my cheekbones, leaving a trail of warmth that contradicted the chilling reality of my situation.

With his free hand, he traveled from my neck to my shoulder and down to my stomach. He attempted to raise my shirt, a gesture that made me squirm, fearing the unveiling of the silver-marked canvas beneath. I tried to move away, but he growled, a low, menacing sound that sent tremors through my already fragile composure.

"Don't move," he ordered, the command slicing through the air.

His warm hand touched my stomach, tracing the writing marks that he had cruelly carved into my flesh. I flinched, the pain still fresh and pulsating. He had said it would never stop hurting, a grim reminder of the scars etched onto my very being.

His eyes softened as they lingered on the scars, a momentary lapse in the steely facade he often wore. Looking back into my eyes, I saw a reflection of my own fear mirrored in his gaze.

I wanted to move his hand away, to reclaim some semblance of control over my own body. But the fear held me captive. Raising my hand in a hesitant attempt to push his away, I was paralyzed by the dread of what the outcome might be.

He caught the subtle movement, his eyes following the path of my trembling hand. Looking down at the scars again, he whispered, "What have I done?" The words hung in the air, heavy with regret and the haunting realization of the irreparable damage inflicted upon me.

Sooooooooo, sorry for not updating fast. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry if it's short, I'll try to upload as soon as possible. ;) and leave a comment! @0@




- Valentine Winters

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