Chapter 27 Ensnared Allies

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Valentine Winters P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes, greeted by the sight of Kyle's raised hand frozen in mid-air, ensnared by Lucifer's vice-like grip. Kyle shot a glare at Lucifer, retracting his hand with a mixture of resentment and frustration.

"She's supposed to be dead," Kyle seethed, casting a disdainful glance my way.

Lucifer approached me, pulling me up with a grip that left no room for escape. His fingers worked swiftly, removing the sharp electrocute needles that had pierced my back. A hiss escaped my lips as pain coursed through me.

"Michelangelo, Leonardo, and Kyle. Pretend this incident never happened," Lucifer commanded, his tone leaving no room for dissent. Michelangelo and Leonardo nodded in compliance, but Kyle, an air of defiance surrounding him, refused to acknowledge or respond.

"Kyle," Lucifer warned, his gaze burning into the retreating figure. Kyle stomped away, his two hunters in tow, leaving behind a tense atmosphere.

Lucifer's attention shifted to me. He released my hand and ushered me back to the dreaded place I had hoped never to return to – his room. As the door closed behind us, he sat on the bed, tapping his foot on the floor, his face a canvas of seriousness and contemplation.

I stood uncertainly, caught between the proximity of escape and the clutches of captivity. His question hung in the air, demanding an explanation.

"How did you get out of this room?" he gritted each word, his intensity growing as he took deliberate steps toward me. Instinctively, I began backing away, my mind racing to find an answer.

"Y-you l-left t-the d-door o-pen a-and I-I-" I stuttered, attempting to explain before being abruptly cut off.

"You sprinted, stumbling upon my envious foe," Lucifer finished, his words hanging in the air. I lowered my gaze, biting my bottom lip, a swirl of emotions churning within me. He approached until he stood right in front of me.

A sigh escaped him, and he gently lifted my chin with his forefinger, forcing me to meet his gaze. Trepidation crept in as he held me in place, his other hand on my back. He leaned close to my ear, interrogating, "Now tell me, why did you run away?" His warm breath trailed down my neck, leaving me flustered.

Before I could answer, the room door burst open, and Lucifer growled. Two hunters entered, pulling him away with a firm grip on his arms.

"Let go of me!" Lucifer snarled, his eyes turning pitch black.

"Keep him held," a commanding voice ordered, and my heart sank as I recognized the man I never wanted to meet again – Lucifer's non-biological father.

I took a step back in fear, but two more hunters seized my arms, immobilizing me.

"Father, what is the meaning of this?" Lucifer protested, his rage evident.

The man nodded to someone behind him, revealing none other than Kyle, leaning against the door frame with a smirk.

"You son of a bitch," Lucifer snarled, attempting to attack him but restrained by the hunters.

"Bring the girl to the woods," the monstrous father ordered, and the hunters dragged me toward the door.

Lucifer struggled, "No!" His anguish echoed through the room.

"I know what you're planning," he stated, his gaze locking onto mine with a whimper.

As the hunters led me into the woods, an unfamiliar calmness settled over me. The woods felt like home, my territory. I knew every inch, every escape route.

Shift into my wolf.

The thought crossed my mind, and I realized I hadn't shifted before out of fear of being caught. But now, with captivity inevitable, what was the point of hiding?

The woods loomed ahead, and a plan formed in my mind. I could utilize my werewolf speed to get past the hunters, slipping away into the familiar terrain. However, one major obstacle stood in my way – Lucifer. Surprisingly, it wasn't the physical restraints that held me back but a peculiar resistance from within.

My wolf resisted the idea of leaving Lucifer behind. It was as if an invisible tether bound us together, making the thought of abandoning him unbearable. Every instinct screamed at me to stay, to fight against the odds and protect the one who had caused both pain and an inexplicable connection.

The internal struggle intensified. The hunters tightened their grip, unaware of the internal conflict within me. I wrestled with the conflicting desires – the yearning for freedom and the reluctant commitment to the enigmatic connection with Lucifer.

As we neared the woods, the tension in the air thickened. The hunters were focused on their task, oblivious to the internal turmoil and the impending storm that brewed within me. The choice loomed ahead – yield to the primal bond or break free into the night.

Lucifer Argent P.O.V

A whimper escaped my lips as they dragged her away, the invisible tether pulling at me like a relentless force. The restless wolf within me mirrored the turmoil in my mind. I glanced up, meeting her eyes with a mix of desperation and helplessness.

Meanwhile, my so-called friends, or at least the ones who had pretended to be, stood beside me. I confronted them, my voice carrying a mix of betrayal and frustration. "I thought you men serve your allegiance to me."

Their exchanged glances betrayed an unspoken understanding. Dropping my arms, they revealed the truth. "We do," Devon admitted, his tone holding a hint of regret. Darren chimed in, "Needed to pretend to your father that we're loyal to him."

They pulled me up, their actions now aligning with an unexpected alliance. Devon's smirk hinted at a plan forming. "Let's go save that precious wife of yours." The turn of events promised a complex and intriguing journey, as alliances shifted and motives unfolded.





- Valentine Winters

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