Chapter 46 Blundered

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Recap :

I stomped outside the room, hitting his shoulder on the way straight to Lilith's room. I need some cooling down agent.

I opened and closed the door to the room behind me and walked straight towards her frame as she looked at me confusion written all over her face.

I need to get some steam out.

Lucifer Zades P.O.V

I sighed loudly lying down vertically exhausted on my bed looking up at the fan that was spinning in clockwise direction.

Did I really meant to infuriate Gabriel ?

Honestly I don't know and besides, he was not being an innocent angels child either with the hurtful words that he musters with or without his knowledge.

What is he four ?

Hasn't maturity or puberty kicked in yet ?

Though, we are practically the same age in year. Somehow, I still have an older feeling around him even without my consciousness.

I see him as a young kid who's making a load of mistakes recently regarding with the psychopath evil mate of his.


Evil reminds me of my own self in most ways.

Heartless. The perfect adjective that resembles of who I was or am I still ?

The once Lucifer Argent.

Argent. A word that defines as silver. However, silver never did damage me in any way physically. I could have contact with it anyway I want. Guess there are perks to be half human too.

Never in a trillion years, I would've thought myself to be a lycanthrope creature roaming in this third planet of this solar system called Earth.

Life does wonders.

I let sleep take over me but in a few hours, my worst nightmare had been awakened.

Gabriel Zades P.O.V

I roughly carried her up on the bed, hovering over her small fragile figure. I cuffed both of her small hands up beside each side of her head as she looked at me bewildered but I was too consumed with my anger towards Lucifer, her expression didn't faze me nor registered in my brain for one bit.

All I wanted and needed was her. She was mine. No matter what she aims, she'd always be mine and I would always protect this little hot thing below me forever even if I was forbidden.

I strip of my grey shirt but kept my black pants on, I leaned down to her eye level. Her eyes were so pitch black, I couldn't even see where her pupils are nor will I ever know if it dilates.

I scanned her whole tan flawless face. All I could think was that she's all mine to keep, touch and love however I want.

"What are you doing ? Get off of me." She said knitting her perfect shaped eyebrows together with a small frown etched on her delicious looking plump lips not in favour with the current situation on display.

I ignored her question, leaning down towards the crook of her neck, I left trails of wet kisses gently upon her delicate tasty skin.

She gasped, her breath caught in her throat at my heated actions on her as she tried to wriggle her hands frantically to free herself from the cuffs that I locked her with.

"Gabriel." She warned then suddenly she moaned. Does woman's emotions change that quick ? Her moan stimulated something within me physically and mentally that sends my wolf into a frenzy.

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