Chapter 10 Breaking News

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Lucifer Argent P.O.V

As urgency surged through my veins, I swiftly grabbed my phone, messaging all but my father. A knock interrupted the intensity, and as I opened the door, Devon stood before me. "Don't ask me how or why, I just need to bring her there," I urged.

"I think you lost your mind, but however, we're still helping you out," he declared, a glimmer of understanding in his eyes. Relief washed over me as they pledged their support.

We devised a plan to mislead my father about my whereabouts. Whenever he inquired, they would assert that I was in my room, ostensibly asleep. The alibi relied on the assumption that my dad wouldn't scrutinize the surveillance footage closely enough to distinguish my actual location.

Carrying her, I ventured outside, my friends flanking me. My father had more men, compatriots who had followed their fathers' footsteps in this generational vendetta. The tension had escalated, especially since discovering the forbidden union between a hunter and a wolf.

The laws were clear, and it was forbidden.

I placed her in my car, a sleek Ferrari ready to devour the distance between us and the pack house. A journey that would normally take an hour would be halved as I pushed the limits of my speed.

"Thanks," I murmured, a rare expression of gratitude escaping my lips. Never before had I sought assistance or uttered thanks to anyone, and yet here I was, relying on others to orchestrate her rescue.

As the car glided near the edge of the woods, we approached the pack house. The challenge lay in navigating the secret route, avoiding detection to prevent chaos from erupting. I parked the car discreetly on the roadside, ensuring a swift exit. Opening the door, I stepped out, gently cradling her in my arms, and closed the door behind us. The covert operation was underway, and time was of the essence.

Cradling her in my arms, I ventured deeper into the woods, the crunch of leaves beneath my feet echoing my stealthy advance. Five distinctive growls reached my ears, confirming my suspicion that they had detected my presence.

Turning around, I faced a formidable quintet — an alpha, a beta, a delta, an omega, and an epsilon. The alpha, their leader, issued a demand. "Valentine, give her back to us."

"I will on one condition. I need to be with her or at least know if she survives," I countered, determined to secure her well-being.

"We're wasting time, call your pack doctors now," I insisted, urging them to prioritize her immediate medical attention.

The alpha acquiesced with a nod. An epsilon and omega approached, taking her away from my protective hold. A low growl resonated within me as I reluctantly allowed them to separate us.

"You returned her back to us. Only for that, I'm letting you go," the alpha snarled.

"No, I'm coming too," I asserted, trailing behind him.

"Know your limits," he admonished before transforming into his wolf form and sprinting away. The beta and delta remained, their gaze unwavering. I pleaded with them to inform me of her survival, offering my phone number as assurance.

"Tell me, why did you save her?" the beta inquired skeptically.

"I just did," I replied cryptically, retreating back to my car.

Driving back to my residence, I confined myself to my room, grappling with a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. The voice in my head, a constant companion, spoke the truth. You're missing her.

As I sat on my bed, uncertainty and anxiety loomed. Would she survive? The intrusive thought of her not making it sought refuge in my mind, but I banished it immediately. I couldn't afford to entertain such notions.

Anticipation gnawed at me as I waited for news about her well-being. The mere thought of her suffering or in pain rendered me unable to eat, my focus consumed by the absence of her presence.

Informing my friends that I had sent her back, I shrouded the details, and they wisely refrained from probing. My room, once a fortress of solitude, now echoed with the haunting emptiness of her absence. The realization struck me—what the hell was happening to me?

In moments of vulnerability, I found myself yearning for her, wishing she were still beside my bed. The void left by her departure made me question the disconcerting emotions swirling within me. Was it an unfamiliar yearning, an irrational need to be close to her?

Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, I received a text. My heart raced as I unlocked my phone, revealing a simple yet profound message: "She survived." Relief washed over me like a tidal wave, a breath escaping my lungs that I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

I needed to see her, hold her close. The alpha's likely resistance to my presence made the prospect seem impossible. Should I defy their orders? My mind raced with thoughts of slipping in, but the realization that it was an infringement on their loyalty to the alpha held me back.

I sighed, grappling with my conflicting desires. The thought of begging repulsed me; after all, I was accustomed to others seeking my favor. The internal struggle intensified as I weighed the consequences of my actions.

Convinced that my father must remain oblivious to this clandestine escapade, I vowed to safeguard the others from his wrath. The yearning to hold her in my arms persisted, and I begrudgingly acknowledged the unraveling of my usual composed demeanor.

I'm turning into a girl. I scoffed at the thought, attributing my internal turmoil to the enigmatic "mate thing."

The next morning, Devon's proclamation hit me like a tidal wave, sending ripples of anger through my veins. My typically stoic demeanor gave way to an eruption of emotion as I growled in frustration.

"What?" I seethed, my eyes narrowing at Devon. The news ignited a relentless fury, and I felt an undeniable urge to unleash it upon whoever dared to meddle with my mate's destiny.

Devon, seemingly oblivious to the storm brewing within me, continued with his optimistic grin. "Yeah, mate. We've got the intel; she has been arranged for matrimony."

It was infuriating to think that someone else had taken the reins, deciding her fate without considering the consequences.

I clenched my fists, my jaw tightening with an intensity that radiated through the room. The quest for vengeance echoed in my thoughts as I contemplated the steps I needed to take. The wolf responsible for this infringement on my mate's autonomy would face the repercussions of their actions.

"Tell me everything," I demanded, my tone cold and calculated. I needed every detail, every scrap of information, to unravel the tangled web that threatened to ensnare my mate's future.

Devon hesitated for a moment, the gravity of my request sinking in. Nevertheless, he proceeded to divulge, and as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, I plotted my course of action.

The hunt for justice had begun, and I was determined to reclaim control over my mate's destiny. 




- Valentine Winters

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