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As he began to approach toward the entrance way where I was enjoying the rain a few seconds ago. I quickly turned around and took big steps toward the elevator. I pressed all the fifty floors button just incase he barge in.

Just when the elevator door was about to be closed I shut my eyes hard and let out a thank god puff but the minute my eyes flew open I let out a loud shriek because he was standing so close to me unexpectedly.

My heart was in my rib prison and was trying damn hard to breakout to let him know how for the first time ever I am this insane. On the other hand, my brain seemed to be in a stupefied zone.

My eyes were locked in his greenness that was full of pain and I felt myself sulking.

Agarh....my heart was so insane that I wanted to dig a grave and get inside it now because I knew I was already the color of strawberry...red like tomato seemed to be cliché. ..

I quickly moved to the left side of the elevator when my brain finally had the ability to function. I could practically hear my heart creating a music of unknown language and my ears seem to love it. If that was the case, was he able to hear it? I turn to look at him with horrific expression but he was leaning against the elevator mirror wall and his olive green eyes that were boring into me awhile ago were closed. He looked even much better now...

His hair that has now fallen across his face were still wet and I etched to remove it and before I knew it. My hand that was full of green bangles created a wonderful music and in that instant, his eyes opened. And when he was about to give me the WTH look, I turn around and flew my hand in the air and acted like I wasn't doing anything.

"Ooo mirror," I said embarrassingly.

And when I felt like it. I turn around to face the elevator door. The door was opening and closing every time and I seemed to have lost the count since I was too busy.

We were still on floor 29. When he let out a loud angry shout which made me jump in fear and I hear him ask

"Which level"

Like an obedient child, I mouthed "49 level".

"Then why have you pressed all the level button from ground to 50"

he was looking at me like he was waiting for my answer.

"Well, I am visiting my relative here you see and she told me to press all the level because the building is so big that she forgets which level she lives on...she said when you see a big shark painting on the wall then that's your cue to get out"

I said in one quick breath and turn my head the other way where he couldn't see me dying of my stupidity.And then I feel like strangling myself when I realized I had already told him which level, when he had asked me before.

"What do you take me for," he said in an uninteresting tone.

"Do you think ..you're so hot that I would take advantage of?" he said in a way that I felt myself disgusted at my thought of calling him beautiful when he is so rotten.

All the bubbles seem to be popping out as I notice him unbuttoning all the other level buttons and left the only one to our destination.

Say what, he is also going to floor 49 which means he is my neighbour sanam guest....but she is out of town so how come he is visiting her....there are only two condo on each of the level.
Agarh....not my piece of cake.

Since when did I become so interested in other people's life. I was snapped from my thoughts when I heard him muttered

"I have seen much better junk than you".

That was when I blew up. How dare he...with his foul of the mouth called me junk.

The next thing I knew I took him by wrist to turn him around so that I was facing him and I push him back to the elevator door to cage him.

His innocent face became visible under that arrogant look of his...those olive green eyes that look so sad, now only I felt like poking them out were full of shock and pain.

He winced in pain when I realized my hard grip on his wrist and I quickly let it go.

" Mister five o clock shadow, you think you are so hot just because you are wearing  something close to people like Tom Cruise who probably wears it much better than you....and by the way you look nothing like them and keep that foul of your mouth shut unless you cant use it in a civilised way".

I said whatever I thought could make sense.

I wasn't sure about the first bit because I really don't know how Tom Cruise look like. I just heard it from people that he is most ---guy of Hollywood.

"By the way" I heard myself talk again.

"You shouldn't treat or imagine me like a junk because I am so not junk because even if I was I would have already"

I stopped. When I realized, what I was saying.

"You would have what already" he snarled.

All that remaining bubbles were popping out in one quick motion.

"You would have what" now he was stepping forward and I was moving back until I hit the elevator mirror wall and found myself being caged as both of his hand were placed on either side which made it impossible for me to move.

I heard him repeat that line again and fear stir in my body at his proximity.

"You would have what" and he look me directly in the eyes  without batting his eyelashes. There was so much loneliness, longing, sadness that I felt myself being drowned init.

How is it possible that a complete stranger could do so much damage to my body in an emotional way. The words seemed to have vanished from my head and I couldn't decipher a word however wish I could until I saw as he moved his right hand to slap me and I automatically shut my eyes  as I waited for the pain to surface but it never did...instead I felt something warm on my face and my eyes flew open  as I touched the warm liquid with my fingers.

When my eyes register on the red stain on my fingers...it was blood.

"Blood" I shriek and quickly pushed him to the side when the elevator stop at our destination and I ran to my apartment...

I looked back and I saw him coming my way with that arrogant layer innocent smirk which made my heart jumped a thousand miles....

Dear wonderful people...if you are reading this plz ...take a moment which you already have by reading  my work but a little more to

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