♡♥ The Awkward Stitches♡♥

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Raseen ~ POV

I saw him admiring my paint. It was my mom last unfulfilled wish that I give her after her death. The first and last gift that I ever gave her and it took me six months to complete as I wanted it to be a perfect memory that we couldn't do physically.

There are so many emotions with each of my brush stroke.  Each stroke is showing my struggle to overcome her death. Each stroke, has helped me relieve the burning pain in my chest and when it was completed I felt like moving on and I thought this would what mom had wanted me to do as well.

"This is the artist last gift to her dying mother who painted it.when she passed away" I said to snap him back to earth.

"Really, how come I haven't come across this artist? The stroke are the same style of Vincent Van Gogh? " he replied as his eyes were still glued to the paint.

"Because this artist start exhibiting her work just a few days ago and yes ...the person has the same sense of style as Vincent Van Gogh," I said.

I was getting very edgy and before he could ask more about the artist. I asked him to follow me into my mini hospital room.

I push the button that was further right to the paint and the glass door slides away letting us in. When we enter, the lights flicks on automatically. 

It is a narrow hallway leading to my mini hospital that Dad made for me when I visited him when I was still a resident. It was in this room that I would spend hours to sharpen my skills.

This is the only part of the house that I hadn't visited ever since I had started living in Pakistan. I pushed the knob to inside and all the familiar scent hit me to the core. The cool antiseptic smell that I thought I had forgotten.  Alas, I haven't forgotten anything,  the loss, the betrayal, the struggle, the operation theater, the blood and the boy whom I have partially killed. The memories came rushing back with just one breath but you know what, I have to deal with it for now. I took in a huge gulp of air before I look at him.

I face him while tying my hair in a loose braid and ushered him to sit on the bed. He did as I told without hesitancy.

"Do you mind taking off your shirt by yourself?" I said while I disappeared to the closet to retrieve the things that I need.

I placed them on the table beside the bed and began to prepare for the stitches. But before I could move on, I realized he still hadn't done what I asked him to do.

I am very hot temper when people don't listen to me. When it comes to sensitive things it's better to move quickly without wasting a sec. The more we delay and dwell the worse the things gonna get.

I take the scissor and move toward him. I tell him to turn around and he looks at me dumbfounded.

"Since you aren't taking your shirt off. I am going to have it cut and that too in two pieces" I retorted with a mischievous smile on my face. I don't know why but suddenly I felt like playing around maybe it's because I feel nervous.

"Don't even think about that?" he said as he looked me in the eye without flinching.

I turned him around and before he could reason I scissored his suit into two equal pieces.

Unfulfilled Desires (Adhori Chahatein)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant