flash back continues...

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Dedicated to Dr. Binte Nizam

The very next morning, I drive back to Karachi with still lingering feelings of headache. I was at my  in-laws house to get close to them and to have a bond.

I have retrieve Wasiq hair from the brush that only he uses as a sample to run a DNA test between them.

I still cannot comprehend that he is not their son, maybe they were talking about someone....the maybes in our life, if only they remain that way.

Fear and anxiety settle in as I wish I had been oblivion of the facts. My knuckles turns white as I hold onto the steering wheel for life. My heart beats in pain to know that he will be the only one who will suffer the most. The fact that when I am not ready to accept the reality of life then imagine him who has to...

I stop the car in the parking lot and turn the engine off. Before, I could be out and about. I put on a black glasses and cap to hide myself from being known.

My step quickens as the hospital entrance comes into my view and long before I know I am running toward it, ending the ticking bomb in my heart.

"Hi" I burst to the nurse on the main desk. She looks up with faint smile touching her lip.

"I need to run a DNA test on these two?"

"Okey" she nods and moves around to only give me a form that needs to be filled.

"You have to write the reason and their relation" she points.

When I fill in the form and give it to her. She begins again as she check over it, finding no faults this time.

"Do you want me to email it to you once the result are out?"

"How long will it take?" I asked.

"By afternoon."

I walkout with the need for somebody to tell me to snap out, that this is a part of my long dream, my imagination. I really hope it to be imaginary. At a time, I want to run away and hide that I don't know anything.

But every time I do, it all rushes back to me, again and again. A cycle that is breaking me mentally.

With each realization the distress surges.

The phone vibrates in the pocket of my jeans. My hands naturally slips into the pocket to receive.

And when I see it, the incoming ID caller. My blood freezes in my veins and the oxygen seems to be running out of the air because I am panting profusely.


Why is calling me. He told me he won't because then he will miss me more if he hears my voice. The thought of me wouldn't let him concentrate.

I check again and my eyes hadn't been mistaken. He is calling.

I inhale with utter difficulty and brace myself to stay calm. I hope my voice doesn't betray me upon hearing him.

"Hello" I said upon accepting the call.

"Hi" he replies.

"I miss you" he continues.

"I miss you not so much" I enunciate as I stifle a laugh.

"You are such a wreck."

A wrecker, taken aback by the word.

Everything is about to wreck without you having any idea.

This is what I thought.

"Geez, I know I have wreck your heart from the very first moment" I said.

A sudden silence laps as the wind suck the air out of my lungs at the thought of the day when we first met. It was a rainy day and a day that connect us as one for  forever. All the emotion resort me to the need of him. I want him here. I want to feel him to soothe out my creases. At this very minute, I want him in front of me so that I can give him a tight hug and after that to weep in his arms.

"Raseen, mom called" he said quietly.

Killing the silence and my thoughts. Had she told him...it doesn't seem like it, if she had he wouldn't be composed?

"You went" he completes the thought.

"Yes, I did. There is an urgent meeting. I am so sorry I didn't tell her...will you wait, I want to call her."

"I can't. My shot is ready" he said.

"Have fun shooting and I love you"

"Bye" this is all I get.


I fall of the couch that I have slept in and it is only because of a call. I let out a yawn and grab the phone. Just as the nurse said she would call in the afternoon to let me know of the result.

I sit up and swallow the illusory lump. I pick up the call and my heart rams against my chest with trepidation engulfing it.

"Miss Raseen" the nurse voice and all nerves pierces to focus.

"The result are out. Would you like to come down to pick them up or would you want me to tell you" she stops for my response.

"Please, tell me through the phone" I said composing myself for her next sentence that may change the entire destiny of someone. The ruffling of the paper increase the minutes my heart beat.

"They are not related" she reveals and I see everything crashing down.

"Are you sure?" I said as it takes time to settle.

"It is what the paper say."

"Okey...thank you".

Just as the call ends. It ends all the known relation. It ends to begin a path filled with pains and sorrow.

After a long thought and checking over the DNA reports from two different hospital. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if they are not related then they are not half-brothers. And which means that Wasiq is not the deed of Asad father.

In fact, Asad father never had a child with another woman which proves Asad uncle wrong. Asad uncle father is innocent.

Then the question leaves to who is Wasiq.

If he is not related to anybody in the family. Where had he came from? Who are his parents? Are they still alive?

Why did they write a fake letter, perhaps knowingly?

Ruining a family who seems oblivious to the wickedness of this world.

I grab my key and bring the engine to life to start the journey of knowing truths that may save or destroy Wasiq.

Salam and Hellllo people....I hope u had good start to a brand new week...Monday isn't my favorite ....^^ ....

It is Tuesday here eheheh.... by the way I love Saturday and wat abt u guys...?

Anyway, this is the bonus chapter like I promised previously. ......

Next update Saturday♥♥♥

First to vote and comment on this chapter is getting the next dedication and follow *if I already hadn't. ...

One more thing, I want to say thank u so much for reading the previous chapter and for not abandoning me and this book....ur votes and comments drives me...I mean it.

Plz do vote ....all of u who reads it and comment as well...it doesn't take much time eheheh

So  leave ur

And anything else that could improve me...

Until then stay happy and make others happy :) ♥

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