♥ It Hurts To Love, a Loved man:2♥

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Raseen ~ POV

I clench my teeth so hard in anger that eventually I let it all out on the glass vase at the table.

As the vase hit the floor and scatter away, I listen to the dying sound of the bits of glasses.

I walk over it and disappear to where Wasiq had.

I find him in the bedroom, overlooking the window to the outside.

With the back of my hand, I wipe away the tears to hide it from him that his words that he didn't mean have hurt me. I don't want to hurt him with my tears as he is already suffering.

But that doesn't mean, I am not angry at him. I am very mad at him at the moment that I have already had my hands at his collars and pulling him toward my face to grab his attention at what I had to say to him.

"The only person that I have ever led my eyes on is you. The only person that made my heart race is you. You have been the first man that made me blush and always will until the last day.

The only man that is you who thought me to love by emotions. If I had an old lover like you think then today, I wouldn't be here holding your collar, justifying myself who I love and like."

I said to make my point clear.

"Do you really love me?" He asked what I thought was pathetic.

As he looks me in the eye and tells me, he really really is in need of an answer that I have many times said it to him before.

"Yes, I am in love with you, Wasiq and I love you like a real person."

I confess as a smile crept his face but just in time, he hides it away.

"Then who is Mr.Banks?"

I leave his collar and before my hands could hang in the air, he holds them in his hand.

I contemplate within my head to tell him or not what I have really done but I am scared at the same time as well.

I am not proud of what I did and I will always feel that way. I want to tell him so that I can live like a normal person.  Sometimes, it really gets to me that it's so difficult to live by.

Eversince, Wasiq has come into my world. I feel feathery light and there have been many times when I am not even thinking about it.

I look into his questioning eyes and breath in to tell him what had me agonizing at night.


"Raseen, I want you to stop feeling guilty and you know, why I am saying this"

Wasiq speaks finally after having kneely listened to my past that I haven't gotten over.

"I am not saying this because you're my wife but because I feel that since you weren't the lead surgeon who was leading it, knowingly aware of its success is to blame.

You were just following his orders and you try your best to change his mind.

You should also look at the fact that you did try your best to save the kid then the rest was in Allah's hands.

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