Chapter 15 - Unwilling but Accepting

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Hey guys, thank you so much for reading my story. Remember that if we get 100 reads I will write a special L x Reader fluff chapter. =), we currently have 94 reads! YAY so close


"I am so sorry Light for what I am about to do," I whispered to myself. My heart dropped at the sight of him, how could I knowingly do this to a friend. I took a deep breath in and accepted my fate. It was at this point that L walked fastly up to him and whispered something in his ear. Light nodded and L returned to his desk.

"Good morning Katori," Light beamed. I know what L said to him, he told him the alias I am using. 

"Good morning Light. How are you?" I said forcing myself not to sound sad. Light placed his bag on the floor next to the door and replied sweetly to me.

"I'm very well thank you. How about you?"

"Good." I smiled. He started to walk over to L and on his way pass gave me a friendly pat on the head, just like he always did. 

"Hello, Ryuzaki. Are there any new developments on the case." They trailed off into their conversation while Matsuda, Ide and I went through personal files of the victims to try and see if there were any connections. Soichiro Yagami also joined L's and Light's conversation. Aizawa and Mogi were handling the calls from people claiming to know or even be Kira. Which were all, of course, hoaxes after checking their personal files. After hours and hours of investigating L addressed everyone. 

"Everyone gather round. I have important news." Everyone immediately left their seats and went to L's side. I went and stood right behind him. His hair touching my chest.

"What is it Ryuzaki," I said sneakily placing a single finger on his shoulder. He was not startled at all by this and seemed to like it. But this could only last a few seconds so I could avoid Light's wondering eyes. If he ever saw something like that it would surely ruin the plan.

"Twelve FBI agents were just murdered. All heart attacks."

"It was Kira."

"Yes, indeed Katori. That's what I was thinking." I nodded at him. L looked at the clock on the wall. What was he planning?. L never bothered about the time since it didn't usually matter. "Today I have decided that I will give you a proper lunch break. Go out but return in an hour." I knew what he was doing, he wanted Light to take me out and that's exactly what he did. I was about to enter my room when Light grabbed my wrist. 

"Umm, hey. Would you like to go out to lunch? Friends of course." He rushed the last part. I really did not want to as I knew where this would lead. I sighed and put on a smile.

"Sure, I'd love to."

"Great." He clasped his hands together. "Shall we go?" I nodded. "Ryuzaki. Me and Katori are going out for lunch. L just simply nodded at this and we left the room. Was he even concerned for me, why didn't he say goodbye? My thoughts rushed through my head, but I had to bring it back to reality. Light cannot suspect us, no matter what. We exited the elevator, Light held out his arm for me to take. I hesitantly looked at him. "Oh come on. Just have some fun," he laughed. I took it cautiously and we walked out the building, arms linked. 

"Where would you like to go?"

"Well..." I trailed off. "There is this really nice cafe a few blocks from here."

"Sounds perfect."

We took our seats and a waiter came to us with menus. I thanked him kindly and I opened the folder up. "This looks nice," I said pointing to an item on the menu. 

"Yes, it does. I think I'll get that too." I smiled at him and the waiter came back. He took our orders for us and we waited in what I couldn't tell the difference between awkward or comfortable silence. Whatever it was, Light broke it. "So about what happened."

"It's ok, I've already forgiven you." He seemed very happy at this. "I know that we kind of got to a bad start, and I don't mind if you say no to my request. But can I have another chance at being your boyfriend." I gulped, I loved L. I could never like Light in that way. I felt a tear welling up in my eye. "Are you ok, sorry. We can forget about it if you like." This was my chance, I had no option but to say yes. I took a long and deep breath in, to calm myself down.

"Yes." He had a smile plastered across his face. I felt horrible, sick to my stomach. I can't believe what I have done. Eventually, he will find out, and when he does he will be heartbroken and will never speak to me again. What if he was actually Kira, he would kill me. Anyone would.

"That's awesome," he yelled happily. He quickly covered his mouth, realising how loud he was. I could not help but laugh a little bit. "This is going to be the best thing that ever happened." Light was so happy, but I felt like I was dying on the inside. I felt like this because it was not the best thing that had happened to me, it was among the worst. L was the best thing that had happened to me, even if our relationship had just started. It was amazing in the short time that we had without Light being involved. "Can we completely forget what happened back in the abandoned library? I want to start afresh."

"Absolutely," I beamed at him. Light pulled me to my feet and gave me a long hug.

"Thank you so much (Y/N)," he whispered. All of this felt so wrong.


Hey guys, don't worry there will be lots of L x Reader fluff, especially if we make it to 100 reads. Thank you so much for your support, chapters will be released very frequently. Author-chan =)

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