Chapter 33 - Promises

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I planted my hands on the kitchen bench. "So, what would you like to make."

"Well, some cake would be nice."

"No, real food not desert."

"But I like cake." He pouted and looked down at his feet. It was so adorable to see him when he couldn't get his own way.

"You'll live." I stood in thought for a moment. "I know something that you might like." I smiled at him. "I'm going to make my mum's famous chicken soup." He looked at me confused. "Trust me, even your taste buds will be pleased."

"If you say so." I went over to the cupboards and got out all the things I needed: pots, noodles, stock cubes e.c.t. I then went over to the fridge and pulled out some chicken.

"Ok, were all set. I want you to chop these noodles into small parts while I pull apart the chicken." He nodded and grabbed a knife from the drawer. We added more and more things into the pot then mixed it. I added a bit more salt so it tasted just right. "Now we just have to wait thirty minutes."

"Thirty minuets. I can't wait that long, I'm hungry (Y/N)." He was crouched with his back pressed against the wall. I chucked at him and threw him a strawberry lollypop, "Here, eat this while you wait." His eyes lit up and he stuck it in his mouth but forgot to unwrap it first.

"I think it would actually taste nice if you opened it up."

"Oh," he said dumbly. I slid down next to him as the pot boiled away and kissed his cheek.

"So I know that you keep on telling me to be careful, but what about yourself."

"Hmm, I never thought of that." I glared at him.

"Do you know how I'd feel if I lost you!" He looked into my eyes. "If Kira kills you I'm going to personally kill Light myself and that's a promise I intend on keeping." L looked at me, he looked scared but comforted.

"Ok, I promise that I will be careful, to some extent."

"Good." The timer rung. "Ah, the soup is ready." I got up and poured the soup into five bowls, for L, Matsuda, Aizawa, Mogi and I. I went into the main area where everyone was sitting, I passed out the bowls. They all grunted in appreciation. I told L to go back to work then handed him his soup. "Well?" I asked him. "What do you think?"

"I never thought I would like something with a low sugar content but this is, amazing." I smiled at him and ruffled his raven hair. I sat down next to him and pulled out my computer, working away while eating my soup.

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