Chapter 80 - The End of the End Part 3 (FINAL)

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"Well L, looks like I've won." Light has the cruellest smile I've ever seen plastered across his face. It is twisted and his eyes reflect the true maniac that lurks inside him.

"God!" Mikami says in astonishment as he tucks the Death Note under his arm, his dark hair moving with the wind and his glasses reflecting the grey stormy clouds from outside. Light's eyes narrow towards him then stare into mine, the noise of rain hitting tin filling my ears.

"Five seconds," Light's voice echoes throughout the room. Matsuda is coving his head in fright like that'll work against an unstoppable impossible force.

"Four." Light lowers his wrist with the watch on it.

"Three." Near continues to twirl his albino hair.

"Two." L's hand grips tighter onto mine.

"One." I take a deep breath in and hold it.

"Zero." I close my eyes.


Nothing, nothing happens. I can hear my pulse beating fast in my ears. I'm still alive, my plan worked. I let the breath that I was holding in out and open my eyes. I stare at Light who is clearly riddled with worry. His eyebrows are knitted together forming a frown and his chest heaves up and down. "W-What happened?" Matsuda says while moving his arms away from his face.

"(Y/N)'s plan worked, that's what happened." L replies letting go of my hand. He stuffs his hand in his pocket and takes out handcuffs. Slowly and slouched he starts to walk towards Light. The rain starts to get quieter, the intensity lowering. All of us now were facing Light, opposite ends of the warehouse, opposing forces. L's slow and careful movements halt once he is a few inches away from Light. "You're under arrest, Kira." He stares into Light's eyes. Just as he is about to put the metal cuffs on him Light retracts his outstretched hands and runs to the wall causing a loud crash to ring out. His breathing intensifies.

"No..." He starts off quietly. "No, I'm not Kira. I am not Kira. I AM NOT KIRA. I-IT'S A SETUP!" He screams pointing accusing fingers at L and I, his voice cracking with fear and desperation.

"It was a setup..." I begin. Light's eyes widen with hope. "But only to reveal the truth about you, the cold hard biting truth." I seethe at him, my fist clenching slightly.

"No, NO, this can't be happening!" He pauses. "B-Betrayal, she betrayed me."

"Oh, so now the blame is on me!" I yell at him and move closer. Lowering my voice, "Did you really think I would keep your secret. Someone who stands for justice, did you, did you really? Maybe five years ago." I cross my arms and look down at the ground. "When you were still Light Yagami." I move my head back up and glare at him. "Were you dumb enough to actually think that I would let so many people die when I want to save them, criminals or not it doesn't matter. All that matters is justice, and that can be conveyed in a lot of ways. Friendship, Love." I look towards L then snap my head back and continue. "Punishing criminals. But whatever you are doing Kira, is wrong." My words echo through him. He looks to the wall.

"Shut up. SHUT UP!" He screams.

"God!" Mikami runs towards the shattering Light with a look of horror but is stopped by Near's agents. He puts up a fight but quickly falls under submission.

"It's over Light," I say as I uncross my arms.

"What evidence do you have against me huh?!" Near holds up the notebook.

"This." The albino boy points towards the names scribbled on a page of the book. "All of our names are on here except yours and (Y/N)'s. It can't be (Y/N) since we have strong evidence to support her and your reasons for not wanting her dead in the first place. We swapped the notebook for a fake one. You, Light Yagami, are Kira." Near points towards the desperate man, thing I should say. At this point it is impossible to tell weather Light has any humanity left in him at all. The place falls dead silent. I hear a wheezing noise and look at Light, bent over and shaking slightly. Out of nowhere, he burst out into laugher, not just any laughter, but a manic type. His laugh lasts for a moment too long but then it stops.

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