Class 3-e time

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Chap 1: Class 3-e time

Nagisa Shiota's POV

I stared at the sign in front of me confused, I didn't understand why I was put in e-class. I had really good grades and performed well in class but now I am supposedly a part of a class for special kids. I looked to my side and looked at one of my snakes Kai, kai was a blue boa constrictor that has been with me since I was 8. I don't really know how he managed to live so long but he told me that I have the ability to make snakes live forever as long as they are with me.

Kai nudged my arm and I nodded, I put my hand up to my shoulder where he laid and pet his head. He lifted his head from its previous position and went up to my ear and whispered 'come on let's go inside'.

I pulled open the door and began to make my way inside when I stopped to take in the classroom and noticed that it had a few students inside, there was a girl with green hair, a boy with brown spiky hair, and a boy with red hair. The girl turned and screamed once she saw me and I ran over to her "oh no! Did I do something wrong?" I asked and she shook her head, "no I just was surprised when I saw your snake is all" she said sheepishly."you were scared of my snake" I asked surprised, she nodded "it's huge! I've never seen a snake that big before, what kind of snake is it?" she asked. "Oh he's a blue boa constrictor" I said with a smile "wanna pet him?" I asked. She looked at me with wide eyes before nodding, I looked over at Kai and he  slithered from my shoulders and wrapped himself around my forearm so that she could pet him. She reached her hand out and kept it over him, it was quite obvious that she was scared so he pushed his head up into her hand and she smiled as she began to pet him. She giggled "he's very sweet" she stated with a smile as she scratched under his head making him smile 'oh god that's the spot' he said and I laughed. She looked at me confused "why are you laughing?" she asked, "oh he just said something funny" I said calmly and she looked at me strange but said nothing and continued to pet him.

She told me her name was Kayano Kaede and she hoped that we could become friends. I told her that I would like that before she told me she had something she needed to work on so I made my way to a seat to wait in. "so you like snakes?" a voice asked, I turned behind me to see the redhead from earlier looking at me with a smirk. I nod "yeah, I've always had them with me" he smiled "really? I've never really met someone who actually liked snakes or any kind of reptiles" he said with a smile. "Do you like dragons?" he questioned, I thought for a second before nodding "yeah, I've always wanted to meet one" I said. He gave me a surprised look but smirked "really? My father, Dracul actually gave me the ability of a dragon" he said with a smile. "Really!?! That's so cool!" I exclaimed excitedly. He smirked "heh, you're the first to actually have a reaction like that. Do you know what Dracul is the god of?" he asked. I nodded "yeah Dracul is the god of devils and dragons right?" I answer and he nodded "yeah he is. I'm surprised that you aren't scared of me because of that" he stated with furrowed eyebrows. "Well I guess it's because I don't think that it's the parent defines who a person is, you're not going to be just like him. And where is it my place to judge you for your parents" I stated with a smile. He looked at me shocked before nodding "yeah, you're right" he mumbled with a smile on his face. He pulled out his hand "well I'm just going to warn you, I act a lot like him at times" he said with a laugh, "but if you're willing to deal with that, want to be friends?" he asked. I nodded "I would love that..." I trailed at face palmed. "I forgot to ask your name, I'm sorry" I said quietly and he laughed. "Well I didn't ask you either so we are even, and my names Karma. Karma Akabane" I nodded, "well then it's nice to meet you Karma, I'm Nagisa Shiota." He smiled and held out his hand "same, and what's his name?" he asked pointing to Kai, "oh his name is Kai" I said and Kai slithered off my shoulder and went to Karma and inspected him. He was about to turn back when karma began to pet and scratch under his chin and Kai practically melted, 'I take it back the green haired girl is nothing compared to this, keep this one instead' he hummed and I giggled. Karma looked up at me confused "what are you giggling at?" he asked confused. I shook my head "it's nothing it's just that kai said something funny" I explained and he raised his eyebrow. "You talked to him" he asked and I nodded "yea I can comunicate with Kai, we speak a secret language that only me and the other snakes know" I explain. "Other snakes?" he asked confused, "I have more than one snake, I actually have a huge family of snakes" I explained and he nodded finally understanding "oh okay, that cool" he murmured, "yeah".

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