Cabin time

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Chap 20: Cabin time

3rd POV

It had been only minutes after Osis had disappeared in Nagisa's body, and nobody knew how to find her. They'd come up with a few ideas on what to do, they even had Irina and Koro-sensei brought into the room in hopes that they could help out in some way.

Especially Koro-sensei, at first they'd thought that Koro-sensei could help in locating the two, after all he was a sea monster capable of all types of things, but even he struggled with where Nagisa could be.

And although everyone was feeling worried and anxious about Nagisa, nobody's feelings compared to Karma's. Karma had just the day before confessed to him, he finally had Nagisa only for him to be taken away by some goddess who believed that he was hers for some reason.

Not to mention, Karma's rage was still going strong. People had to open windows because the fire he was emitting proved to be to much for them. Oh, and there were times when his whole head would just burst fire at random because one of his ideas wouldn't work.

But finally Karasuma came up with an idea, "Karma, can we call your dad? From what I heard you two are close and having a god help would make things much easier" he said making the red-head's fire go down. Karma thought for a moment and then remembered what his father had told him not to long ago. His dad knew things he did not know about Nagisa, so having him helping them could prove to be a lot of help.

Karma took a deep breath in as he thought of how to call him, he's never really made up a system to call his father so he had to think of something that would get his attention. He hummed quietly as he thought until a semi-smart idea came to mind.

"Cover your ears" he demanded. The class looked at him strangely as they put their hands to their ears and watched as Karma's mouth opened, and even behind their covered ears they could hear how loud he was screaming at his dad. The long stream of cusses and threats at his dad were heard from probably miles away, and when a rumble was felt beneath them Karma smirked triumphantly.

A small crack opened on the floor and out came a man in skintight suit that was red and black with hair that was black and slicked back so it wouldn't get in his eyes. He sighed as he hit his ear a few times and shook his head, "Karma Akabane!" he yelled angrily at the boy. Karma smiled at him innocently and waved, "hey dad! How are you?" he asked.

Draco's eyebrow twitched, "I'm fine other than my eardrums. Why did you scream for me?" he asked, but suddenly his face changed into a smirk, "Let me guess, that Nagisa boy rejected you?" he teased. Karma's face lit up and angrily stared at his father, "no, in fact he said yes" he countered. Draco's face lit up, "wait really? That makes me so happy!" he squealed while pulling his favorite son into a bone-crushing hug.

"I've got to see Nagisa, where is the boy?" he asked excitedly. Karma's face darkened as he realised once again what had happened, "some god took over his body" Karma explained and strangely, Draco stiffened.

"It's a goddess by the name of Osis, she declared that he was hers, and then took over his body. Apparently this has been happening for a long time" Karma finished through gritted teeth. He then looked up at his father, and for the first time he looked up at his dad with the saddest expression his father had ever seen, "is this what you meant when you talked about that leech" he asked while he struggled to hide his feelings.

Draco froze as he stood there. He didn't say a word for what felt to be hours, not until he suddenly gripped his hands together and an expression of pure rage filled his face. "So," he started, "that dang god decided to show her face again huh?" he chuckled menacingly and the room went still as he showed the class the look in his eye. "That wretch is going to get it now, who does she think she is taking the one person who ever made my boy feel like this!" he yelled making his own fire erupt.

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