Festival time

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Chap 18: Festival time

Nagisa's POV

Today everyone was strange. They all had this strange aura that surrounded them, and for me it was hard to explain. Karma was doing his normal round of teasing with me, and Kayano was oddly quiet.

In fact, a lot of people were quiet. It was if they were afraid to say something wrong. So I was on the edge the whole day, I was just waiting for someone to tell me that they didn't care or want me here anymore. But it never came.

I was so paranoid that it'd gotten to the point where I was constantly looking around for that one person to approach me, and when they did I always managed to look terrified as they told me the complete opposite. Karma of course had caught onto my strange act and was constantly asking me what was the problem, but I didn't really want to tell him in fear that he would just break it to me then.

Yet he was relentless, he just kept asking and asking and asking, until I felt like I was going to cry I was so scared. "Please don't hate me!" I yelled as they class ended. Everyone turned to me and narrowed their eyes, "what?" Kayano asked. "You guys have been nervous to tell me something all day, and I can't take it anymore! I hate not knowing what you guys are trying to say? Do you guys hate me now?" I asked putting my hands to my face.

The room went silent for a moment, "I knew it" I thought in my head, but Karma bust out laughing. "Nagisa are you serious right now?" he laughed, "why would we hate you?" he asked getting up from his table. He walked over to my own desk and bent down, "why would I hate you?" he rephrased. I thought for a moment, but didn't say anything, I really didn't know what to say.

He laughed, "there's my point, but you were right about one thing" he explained, "there is something we want to tell you" he stated smirking at me. I felt myself tense as he got closer to me, "would you" he started. I felt his hot breath and my face went warm, "come with us" he continued. He was now right there with my face, and I got so nervous I closed my eyes, "come to the festival with us!" he yelled making my eyes widen as he pulled away.

The class laughed with him at my reaction and I huffed, "Karma! You can't just do that!" I yelled tucking my hands into my arms. He continued to laugh, "I can and I did" he answered smugly. I only rolled my eyes at him as I grabbed my backpack, "fine, when is it?" I asked with a sigh. "8 o'clock" he stated smiling at me. I shook my head with a laugh, "alright, pick me up at 8" I commanded before I walked out of the room.

As I reached the outside I took a deep breath that I hadn't realised that I held. I know it's with the whole class going, but knowing him we'll both be together during the whole thing, so isn't that basically a date? This could be my first date with Karma, what do I wear? I slapped my forehead at the thought, "I really am like a girl" I mumbled to myself while I shook my head.

"Nagisa are you okay?" Eden asked while slithering around my shoulder. I smiled at him as I pet his green scales, "nope, not at all" I hummed looking around. "Eh! What's the matter then!" he urgently pressed. I chuckled softly, "well I got teased by Karma in front of the whole class" I started, "and I got invited to a festival" I explained. Eden goofily smiled at me, "that should be fun" he commented as I jumped over a rock.

I hummed as a response, "but I don't get what's so bad about that" he muttered. I shook my head and smiled, "well I'm getting nervous for it" I explained to him before taking him off my shoulder, "I feel like a girl that's stressing over her first date" I giggle and he lets out a stringed laugh. "Well you got the look" he teased making me take one of my hands and jokingly take it to my heart, "not you too" I frowned. He just let out another laugh as we walked the way back to the house in silence.

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