Nagisa Time

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(I cried while writing this, don't know if that makes this any better)
Chap 23: Nagisa Time
Nagisa's POV

I couldn't see, or do anything. Whenever I'd go to move I've noticed that I was completely immobile. I couldn't: see, hear, talk, or even move. I was stuck in my own mind.

For miles all I could see was black, possibly a grey if I really concentrated, but I couldn't see anything else other than that.

For almost hours it felt like that, but in the beginning I had all these senses. I could see through my own eyes what Osis was telling my friends back in the classroom. And the fact that I couldn't do anything about it, was terrifying.

I just wanted to fight back, take over, get it all over with already. But I knew I couldn't. If I ever even tried I would regret it, and probably hate myself for the rest of my life. So I just stood by, and let her do everything she wanted.

After she'd done that though, she took us "home." Back to the place where I'd done many questionable things, and the place where most of my memories took place. Sure, a lot of them weren't good memories, but even with those bad ones, the place was filled with surprisingly a ton of amazing ones. And she brought me inside, and for once in a very long time, we sat down, face to face, and talked. Mostly she did the talking though, and I just answered simple questions. She talked over her "plans" that she had for me. Ones mostly pertaining to our old activities. The activities that made me leave her in the first place.

Although I listened to her, I never gave her an answer. I never agreed, or disagreed with her ideas. I just sat there, stared, and kept my face blank. No matter what I was not going to give her the satisfaction of making me do that again. I was young before, I didn't really realise what I'd been doing. But now I knew, and I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to live like that again. Osis can own me and force me to leave MY home, but she can never make me hurt people again.

I couldn't and wouldn't live like that.

I think she knew that as well, but was probably thinking she could just control me or something. That scared me, but at the same time it gave me strength, and readied me for when that moment would occur.

So in short the two of us just sat there, her telling me about her "brilliant" plans, and I staring at her blankly with boring; lifeless eyes.

But after awhile of this, she suddenly stopped. Her minions that were serving her with her favorite wine froze too. She then quickly ushered them away, to which they hurriedly and oddly, wobbled away as fast as they could while holding a tray of the liquid. She then scurried over to me and pulled out some kind of bandana and kept it in her hand for a bit, and in her other she held a rope. I stared at it in fear, and gazed up at her. Her eyes softened as I'd looked at her, "please don't," I whispered, my eyes displayed the fear I'd bottled up. But she just shook her head, and set down the bandana, then she quickly whispered something as she waved her hands above my eyes and before I knew it, I was in this state.

It wasn't to hard to understand that the reason I couldn't move was most likely because of the rope, but I didn't feel a gag on my mouth so it was safe to assume I hadn't been gagged. Not only that, my eyes felt fine as well. It was most likely her spell that did most of this to me.

So as I waited for that one moment that I'd figure out the reason to why Osis had tied me up, and then laid me down on something that was strangely fluffy, I kind of just rested. I'd had a long day, and for some reason, I wasn't to scared in my position. It wasn't like she was going to hurt me. So laying there didn't seem all too bad.

But what really creeped me out, is when I felt her hands in my hair. It was random, and it sent shivers throughout my spine. Whatever had driven her to do that so suddenly, did not excite me at all. And because of that, I couldn't stop worrying about things. Is something happening? Are people here? Things like that ran through my head. But suddenly, one of my questions were answered, when out of nowhere I heard people talking. Or should I say bickering because no one seemed happy at all. And their voices, I don't know why but I couldn't place them.

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