Regret and forgiveness time

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Chap 24: Regret and forgiveness time

Karma's POV

It only took four words to change the mood in that cave.

"I need you mom."

I shuddered just thinking about it. In fact, I felt terrible thinking over it all. What we had done, what I had done. I felt every nerve go on edge as I thought about my actions. I probably looked crazy just beating up his own very mother in front of him.

If I'd just taken the time to ask him, and learn who she really was, none of this would've happened. Regret hit me in waves, each one knocking harder than the last. I went "caring" mode on her. I put my hands to my face in shame, I didn't want anyone to look at a monster like me.

But for a split moment, I cracked my eyes to look at Nagisa though. This whole ordeal just seemed to suddenly make sense. Of course Nagisa didn't kill Osis, he would never be able to live with the guilt of killing his own mother.

I don't think anyone could if they had even the slightest bit of sympathy. It made sense for Nagisa to leave with her like that. He probably just wanted to try to talk things out with her.

But we ruined that plan. We ruined it completely. We came here with the bloodlust Nagisa had been so afraid to cast upon others for so long.

I groaned as I slapped my hand to my face. God, he even showed signs to us. The shaking his head, constant crying. Heck, when I went over to him to untie his restraints, he was so keen on me getting his gag off so he could talk to me, the whole time just trying to make coherent sentences at me. I felt so stupid.

I stared at Nagisa as his back went up in down as he tried to regain his breathing. He was still trying to get his mom to wake up. Nobody even dared to approach him, the only thing we did relating his situation was having some of our medically intelligent students look at her to see if they could heal her. Nagisa flinched at the sight of them at first, but he just ignored them after a bit.

Nervously Kanzaki looked up from Osis with a frown, taking a glance at Nagisa, then looking away out of embarrassment. She then looked at me with pleading eyes, and walked over to me. "We can't do anything." She said in a hushed tone. My eyes widened as I stared back at her, "what?" I exclaimed out of surprise

She shook her head, "I mean, with Nagisa there, we can't do anything since he's hovering over her like that. We need to get him away from her." She explained slowly. It took me a moment to process what she was saying, but as I did I just shook my head no. "We can't," I started, "after all we did to the two we can't just make him leave her. Who knows what he'll do?"

She sighed, "well he'll be a lot more heartbroken when he finds out we could do nothing about it." She countered. I stared at her in surprise. When had she gotten such a tone?

Hesitantly I gave in, "alright, but how do we get him away from her?" I asked. She turned to look at him for a moment, "you." she responded quickly. I raised a brow, "me?" She nodded, "yes, you! You're his boyfriend, comfort him," she declared pushing me towards him. I dug my feet in the ground and shook my head, "he probably hates me though." I muttered. She stopped pushing and turned me around, "why?" I rolled my eyes at her question, "isn't it obvious?" I ask, "I just beat up his own mother, may I add, in front of him!" I exclaimed.

She gave a frown, "yeah, I see your reasoning..." she muttered, but then she looked back up at me with a smile, "but if you know Nagisa at all, he would never hate you for that." She added before swiftly turning me around, and pushing me towards my lover once more. This time though, I let her push me.

As we arrived in front of Nagisa, I felt butterflies shoot through my stomach. He wasn't crying anymore, he seemed to have run out of tears, so instead he was just holding onto her hand quietly. Kayano and a few others that were helping Osis looked at me and nodded towards Nagisa. With a sigh I tapped his shoulder, "Nagisa?" I called.

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