Karma and I time

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Chap 26: Karma and I time

Nagisa's POV

Two days have passed since the whole Osis ordeal.

Karma called Ash and brought us all back home, and we got Osis into more proper care for recovery. After that, Karma had invited me over to his house with Dracul in hopes to give me a nice home cooked meal as one more apology for hurting my mom. Of course I ended up saying yes and had a very enjoyable time with the two, and even stayed over for the night.

Karma and I ended up cuddling watching really cheesy movies under a blanket fort we had made. We also had a feast of popcorn, soda, and for some reasons, blueberries for us to eat during the movie. And it was so nice to just relax, eat junkfood, and lay with the person I love again. So, so nice.

We didn't really get sleep that night though. We spent most of the whole night enjoying one another's company. We talked, kissed, hugged, and acted like one of those obnoxious teenage couples you see all the time at school. And as much as we hated those kind of couples, we ended up realising how easy it is to become one, especially when you love the other so much you just want them and the people around them to know that they are yours.

We feared for the worst, but I could tell Karma was secretly delighted by this. Our relationship was now one more piece of torture he could use against our classmates at school, and I didn't know if I should've been okay with that or not. But nonetheless, I ended up ignoring that fact and went on with the night because what else could you do? It wasn't like I could start a fight about it, that was the last thing I wanted to do. So I decided to just roll with it and decided to use this relationship as something against him.

And with that, I began to tease him. And I teased him a lot. I teased him to the point that by the time we were ready to go to sleep, his face was as red as a tomato.

I was very proud of my work because it's not everyday you manage to make the Karma Akabane blush so bright. So I was happy to know that I had that ability.

We fell asleep soon after that, making sure to be as close as possible to one another as we slept. It was nice, very nice. Until it was morning that is, meaning it was time to get up way earlier than we should since we stayed up till early morning.

But at least I learned something out of that. Karma is very cranky when he doesn't get enough sleep. In fact, he refused to get out of the fort. Whining constantly saying, "I don't wanna!" Like a little kid.

In other situations, that would've been so funny. In fact, if I hadn't been in a death grip against his chest, restricted from leaving the fort to go to the bathroom or anything, I probably would have laughed at him. But no, instead I struggled to escape said death grip, and wake up the very demon that was holding me still.

And I couldn't break free. With how weak my arms are, I had no chance against him. So in the end, Karma and I just skipped school. He ended up making me stay in his arms almost the whole day, only letting me leave to either get food, water, or go to the bathroom.

It was kind of weird, but endearing to see how much he wanted to just spend time with me. And in a way we kind of deserved a day like that, after all we'd been through the day before it just seemed logical to sit back and relax for a day and watch some cheesy rom-coms together. 

For us, it was just perfect. It was exactly what we needed, and we weren't afraid to admit it. Especially today, the day that we would have to go to school. The day Osis would be waking up.


I groaned loudly as my ear drums were pounded with the constant sounds of my alarm. It was 5:30 in the morning, and I already couldn't stand the constant blaring in my right ear. Hesitantly I pulled my hands from beneath the fluffy covers and grabbed my phone to turn off the alarm. The screen lit as I turned it on and I winced at the sudden beam of light.

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