Sleepover time

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Chap 9: Sleepover time
(i hate proofreading)

After the whole mess with the bloodlust Karma decided to take me to his house so that he could keep a close eye on me since I fainted earlier. I had told Dina to go home without me and just spend the rest of the day free with the other snakes.

So right now Karma and I were hand in hand on our way to his house. Or more like cave. The walk to his cave was a long walk, he told me that he usually just goes into a secret clearing and calls for Ash, but I told him I wanted to walk with him. He was hesitant at first to the idea though, he seemed flustered at the idea for some reason but I urged him to. Finally he gave in and we made our way to his cave.

Along the way to the cave I felt my hands getting a little cold and started to blow warm air onto them. It was chilly out this time of year. Karma looked over at me and smirked, he walked over and took his hand into mine. I couldn't help but flush at his actions which only made him smirk more, "oh~ is Nagi-chan flustered?" he asked teasingly. My face grew darker and I looked away, "shut up Karma" I murmur. Taking my other hand to cover as much as my face as possible.

For a while we walked quietly until Karma broke the silence, "it's nice out" he commented looking up. I took my hand off my face and looked up as well to look at the sky, and he was right. It was a nice autumn day, the leaves crunching beneath our feet, the beautiful blue sky, and the patches of grass sticking out beneath the leaves. It was beautiful. "It is" I say letting go of his hand. He eyes me for a moment as I spun in a circle admiring the scenery. I giggled a bit as I turned and stopped to smile at Karma, who was watching me with a small smile.

I ran over to him and grab his hand, "come on!" I yell dragging him ahead so that we could get to the cave faster. Soon he picked up the speed and we were racing, he was ahead for a bit then I was. It went on like that for awhile until finally the cave was in sight. I ran faster trying to get ahead of him but we ended up staying side by side the whole time until he jumped ahead and won. He laughed as I gasped for air, "dang it Karma" I gasp, "you cheated" he shook his head with a smirk, "you never gave any rules" he stated walking forward. I growled and followed him into the cave.

Once in the cave he dragged me through a few halls before we stopped at a large door. He grabbed the door handle and opened the door to reveal a large nice room. Inside the room there was a large bed, a bedside table, a tv, two couches, and many bookshelves with ladders. He walked into the room and I followed, "this is my room, you'll be sleeping in here tonight" he said walking to another door inside the room. I laid down on the large bed and sighed, it was really soft.

He came in a bit after that and threw me some clothing, that room must've been his closet. He took some clothes himself and went to go change on the other side of the room. My face flushed as I turned away, "I almost saw him change" I yell in my head. My face reddened even more, "are you going to get dressed Nagi-chan?" he asked making me jump. "Of course I am" I say back, slowly taking off my shirt. This is so embarrassing!

Once my shirt was off I put on the black long-sleeve shirt Karma gave me and a pair of dark blue leggings. The leggings were from when he was a kid so I was surprised to see that they fit me well, but the shirt was large and baggy on me. When I finished changing I turned around to see Karma was looking at me while laying on the bed. I felt a little flustered at the fact that he might've seen me change, but I decided to push away the thought. Were both guys right? There's no problem in it. It's not like I like him, right?

Karma patted the spot next to him and I hesitantly laid down. He grabbed a remote from the bedside table and flipped through channels on the tv, "what would you like to watch blueberry?" he asked turning to me. I shrugged as I looked at the screen, "I don't know. Whatever is fine" I say making him smirk. "Okay then, horror it is~" he said teasingly. I gulped, "o-okay" I say shakily. I could practically feel Karma's smirk as he pressed play on a horror movie that had just come out.

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