Animals time

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Chap 17: Animals time (unedited because I'm tired😴)

Nagisa's POV

I sighed as the events of yesterday played inside my head. I felt myself get a bit embarrassed at how I acted when Karma was treated so terribly, but at the same time I didn't regret it at all. I was proud that I managed to make him feel better, and that I stood up for him.

But I still felt bad for suddenly leaving Kayano and them alone like that. I decided that it would probably best if I texted or called them and told them I was sorry, but I was stopped by something strange.

As I looked to what was stopping me I noticed something, it was a pair of arms. My eyes widened as I looked at the arms, then slowly looked behind me to see who they belonged to. And when I turned around all I saw my a mop of red hair and a familiar face. It was Karma.

My face reddened as I looked at his sleeping face. There was a faint smile on his face as he slept, and he was mumbling things. I stopped for a moment to listen to what he was mumbling about and he started to talk again.

"Hehe...take that and that...that's right I'm the best" he mumbled and I rolled my eyes. "Sleep fighting" I groaned before I tried to move his arm away from my waist, but his grip was solid. "Karma" I said pushing him, "get up" I command. He didn't budge and he started to chuckled a little as he grabbed my arms and put them to my side. Once they were by my side he only pulled me closer, but this time I was facing him.

My eyes widened as I was now face to face with Karma, his wicked smile painted on his face as he dreamt of beating some guy in his dream. Yet suddenly his face changed, "get away from him" he growled. My eyes widened and I pulled up my hands, he was having a nightmare.

His face changed from the smile and was now filled with anger, "get away from Nagisa!" he yelled. My eyes widened as I realised he was dreaming about me. "I'm okay, nobody's got me" I whispered as I caressed my hands across his face.

Slowly he began to calm down, and he pulled his hands off my waist. I thought for a moment on leaving, but he just had this scared look on his face that told me not to go. So I waited, and waited while whispering to him "that it was all going to be okay" until he started to wake up. Once he woke up he gasped and looked around quickly before he looked me in the eye. He stared at me for a moment and he suddenly hugged me, "K-Karma?" I asked while he held me.

He didn't say anything though, all he did was hold me tightly as the two of us laid on the bed. "I-i thought that someone took you away" he whispered. My eyes widened as he spoke, "it was some lady, I don't know who, but she was there. She was just yelling things like "he's mine" at me." he started to shake. "I don't usually get scared, but what I saw was terrifying" he murmured clinging to me tightly.

My eyes widened as he continued to tell me about the dream.

What had happened was a lady, a very blurry lady was holding me. She screamed at Karma and what seemed to be whole class that "I was her's" and "that it was her turn" at them. Then people started to fight, fight these minions that the lady made. It was crazy, and I was in this chair tucked away on the side. And nobody was able to get near her, minions and minions just showed up. That was until someone from behind rushed them and found himself fighting the lady.

Karma said he couldn't exactly see the guy who was fighting the lady, but he was strong, god-like strong.

Before Karma had woken up they were still fighting the battle, but there was no one for him to fight, so he was just yelling as people held him back.

As he told me the story I could tell he wasn't feeling to good. That dream hit him, hard. I don't know what aspect of the dream did that exactly, but from the looks of it it was about me. He didn't want someone taking me away. He didn't want her taking me away from him.

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