Pyramid time

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Chap 14: Pyramid time (unedited)

Nagisa's POV

As I had gotten to school everyone seemed to be surprised to have me back. Karma was worried about whether I was better or not, but I reassured him I was fine.

Everyone seemed to be a bit happy that I had come back, and in good health too. she stopped trying to take over after the promise and let me sleep! It was really nice to get a good night sleep for once.

I talked to a few people as they entered the classroom and Kayano excitedly pet Kai, slowly lulling him to sleep. I took the time before class to catch up with everything, and supposedly today they were doing what Karasuma and Koro-sensei called, "out of the ordinary" and if you are student here, that means something big is going to happen.

Still, I was happy that I was going to partake in the activity, well as long as it wasn't something boring. I'm hoping for the best four days possible.

While I was talking to Karma I heard the bell ring and looked to see Karasuma and Koro-sensei come in. They seemed a little giddy, and for Karasuma that was an odd trait. Once they were at the front the two noticed me and Koro-sensei happily ran over to me, "Nagisa-kun you're back!" he exclaimed hugging me. I smiled, "yes Koro-sensei, I'm back and can you please let go" I ask once he started to squeeze a little too tight.

He nodded and went to the front of the class with Karasuma and the two started a small lesson together. It was about teamwork. They told us that one day we will all have to do teamwork together, so they want us to be ready.

So that being said they had us pick partners. Mine obviously being Karma, and then they told us that they were going to have us work with our partners and do some exercises. Nobody looked to excited as he told us that and I turned to Karma, who had the largest smirk on his face. "Nagi-chan why are you so glum? Is it the fact that I will probably to amazing at this teamwork thing?" he asked.

"Thing?" I emphasize. "Karma, you're the most anti-social, sadistic person I've ever met. You're hopeless when it comes to teamwork" I deadpan. He clutched the area where his heart was and breathed in through clenched teeth, "ouch, that stung" he said faking his pain.

I shook my head and sighed, "let's do the first exercise" I say and look at the demonstration. It showed two people, back-to-back and they were on the floor. It then showed them getting up by only pushing their backs together and moving up. It seemed easy enough, but then I realized I had Karma for a partner so I knew it would be hard.

I sighed and got down on the floor, Karma soon followed. He made it so that we were back-to-back and then linked our arms together. I blushed a bit from the touch, and thanked the gods that we were facing apart.

I took a deep breath and steadied my feet, I was ready to try and get up, and for some reason I thought Karma was doing to the same. I was about to countdown to him, when all the sudden he crushed his back into mine. "Karma!" I exclaim. He turned his head so he could side-glance me and gave me a puzzled look, "what is it blueberry?" he asked.

"I was about to try and stand up" I say softly. He sighed and muttered an apology. Then the two of us talked over ways that we could manage this. "So I will start to move up, and at the same time lightly press our backs together" Karma said restating the plan. I nod and tapped onto the floor as a countdown. Once we got to three the two of us slowly made our way up until we had finally managed to stand.

Karasuma and Koros-sensei had moved around the desk before the activity so that we couldn't see other people's methods and cheat, so when we got up we were surprised to see that not many people had managed.

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