Sick time

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Chap 13: sick time

Karma's POV

It's been a few days since I took Nagisa to his house due to his lack of sleep, and he's been in bed for a few days now. He really hadn't gotten any rest, which really confused me, why hadn't he been sleeping? I didn't want to get into this personal business though, so I left it alone.

I've been taking care of him at his house everyday, and even although the snakes in the beginning tried to get me to leave immediately, I just made sure to never look at the pictures or trunk, and they soon got used to it.

I felt pretty bad for Nagisa, he seemed to always be struggling before I came in every day. And today was no different. As I came in he was breathing heavily and looked in pain, but at the same time he looked helpless. But then as I came in the pain seemed to just melt away. "Hey Nagisa, I brought soup" I say holding up the small canteen of it. He smiled lightly at me as I set it on his bedside table, "thank you Karma" he coughed a bit and I looked at him quickly to see if he was okay.

For some reason during this whole thing he managed to get a little sick. Yeah, he was that weak. I've never heard of a god getting sick before. But I guess it was possible because Nagisa had a small cold. Of course it was nothing major, he was just coughing and sneezing a ton, and his voice was pretty raspy.

"Hey Nagisa, I'll be back. I need a bowl" I say before walking out of the room. I placed my hand to the left side of my face to block the side with the trunk and pictures and grabbed a bowl, then switched hands so that my right was keeping me from looking as I walked back into his room.

I placed the bowl onto his table and opened the canteen and poured the soup into it, it was still hot, which I thought would help his throat. I took out a spoon that I had brought for him and went to hand him the bowl when I saw his hands were shaking. He was still too weak. So instead of handing him the bowl I placed it back on the table and dipped the spoon into the soup. He looked up at me puzzled, but when I brought the spoon up to his face he blushed, "y-you don't have t-to do that!" he squealed reaching for the spoon.

I chuckled and shook my head, "you're too weak blueberry, I don't want you to get it all over you so say "ah"" I smirk. He glares at me and hesitantly opened his mouth, but I didn't put it in. He looked at me confused and then he go the picture and blushed, "ahh" I smirked and put the spoon into his mouth. "That's better" I say before getting some more onto the spoon.

The same things went on for awhile until the soup was all gone. He told me his throat felt a little better and thanked me. I set the bowl aside and laid my head on his bed, "I miss being with you at school" I murmur into the bed. "Me too, I miss everyone. The class, the teacher, you, everyone. I'm tired of just laying in bed all day" he says rustling into the covers some more.

The two of us stared into each other's eyes in silence. Those eyes of his are so mesmerizing compared to my plain brown eyes. "Hey Karma?" Nagisa asked breaking the silence. I turn to him and smile, "Hmm" I hum resting my head down. "Could you sleep with me? I don't want to be alone, so I thought it would be nice to sleep with someone" he said blushing a bit.

A small blush formed on my face as I looked at him and I smiled, "okay Nagi-chan" I say getting up and into the covers. His face heated up as he looked at me then closed his eyes, "thank you! Goodnight!" he said in a high pitch. I chuckle a bit and snuggle up to him, then let tiredness take over.

By the time the two of us awoke again it was dark outside. I had decided to leave Nagisa and go home for the night. I went outside and quickly called for Ash, and soon the loud sounds of his wings flapping were heard up above. I looked up and saw him reach his foot out to me and I climbed him up to the top.

Once I was there I had him take me back home so that I could get ready for school tomorrow. I had been skipping a few days for Nagisa, so that I could help him and I knew if I did that anymore pops would get mad.

And sure enough, he already was. "You've skipped school three days! Karma, what's gotten into you!" he yelled as I entered the room. I sighed, "I was just taking care of a friend" I say irritated. "Friend? Oh, you're talking about that Nagisa boy right?" he asked. He chuckled, "poor kid" he murmured looking down. "And what do you mean by that?" I ask, suddenly a bit curious. He looked at me surprised, "oh, um he isn't feeling too good right now right?" he said but I knew that wasn't what he meant.

"You know something that I don't, don't you?" I ask glaring at him. He sighed, "I'm a god, he's a god, word travels fast in our worlds" he says sighing. "Other than what he's done, I don't know much. Where he comes from, or anything. He just showed up" he said. "Just showed up?" I ask surprised. He shrugs, "yeah, honest truth. He's real strong too" he chuckles, "so I don't understand". I walked closer to him, "don't understand what?" I growl.

He shook his head, "on behalf of that poor boy I won't say. But I'll tell you that he's fighting a terrible leech, that if it keeps going, will suck him dry. He could easily kill and get rid of it, but why he isn't is so strange to me" he says getting up. "I mustn't say anymore, goodnight" he said leaving the room.

Nagisa, what is going on? Why won't you let me help you?

Nagisa's POV

As I stared at the ceiling I could already feel her creeping up on me. I pushed her away and sighed, "I don't want to deal with this right now, please just let me rest" I beg. I could hear her sigh,

Nagisa, you know I won't do that. All I want is you to come back, is that all so bad?

I nod, "I don't want to go back to how things were. I don't like hurting people" I say aloud.

But we were so close! We were both so happy, and then you wanted to stop? And when I said no, you just left? How do you think I felt?

I sigh, "I know, I know, but you gave me no choice" I reason smiling a bit, "I miss you" I murmur. I could hear her tears fall to the ground as I said those words,

I know, so please come home again. I'm miserable without you. I hate all the fights we're having, we can start anew! How would that sound.

Tears fell down my cheeks as well, "you know I can't do that, I've got friends and people I care about. They'll end up in the same situation as you if I left" I wipe my own tears hoping that tonight she would understand.

Nagisa, you know that I will stop at nothing to get you back. So don't think I will stop now, I have a better right than anyone to have you. And trust me, I will. And we will live together happily once more.

My lip quivered as I shook my head, "just give me a few more days" I cry into my sleeve.

Thank you for understanding, I'll see you in four days time. Goodnight~

As I stared at my ceiling, my vision clouded with tears and I thought to myself before going to sleep, "I'm sorry Karma".

Oh that angst though. But that means four days of fluff! So I'm gonna go proofread this chapter, and then post it so I can relax. Thank you so much for reading!
(Also this story reached 1K!! Oh my gosh!)

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